Recent content by tropez

  1. T

    How about these trichomes!

    Would this be a better view for checking? What are you looking for in the bud? (I'm learning)
  2. T

    How about these trichomes!

    You're good, he said it was week 9 of flowering and that it was Arjan's Haze 3 (Haze x Laos), sativa.
  3. T

    How about these trichomes!

    I found these images on google image search. How far along would you say this plant is?
  4. T

    Damnit, hit high temp, healthy plant pretty wilted!

    Hrmm. That's a good idea. Not really worried about fire, my grow box is sealed pretty well, but keepin my plant alive is my goal. I will have to investigate a shut down like you mention.
  5. T

    Damnit, hit high temp, healthy plant pretty wilted!

    So, apparently my indoor/outdoor thermometer I keep on the oustide of my grow chamber was set to display the data for outside of the grow chamber, where the display was at. I only noticed this today after opening up my chamber to see a 13" tall plant fully wilted. The stems look strong, maybe...
  6. T

    World Of Hempy

    Oh hello!
  7. T

    Tropez' Hempy Grow: Attempt 5

    Hello everyone. This is going to be a place where I track my fifth attempt at growing hempy style. My first three attempts all ended in the seedling stages due to various flaws in my process. Attempt four was a winner, but it was a freebie seed and ended up being a boy. So, here we are with...
  8. T

    World Of Hempy

    So far I've had zero problems with overwatering/feeding when using hempy. I almost like the idea of watering often, flushing fresh water through the system getting the old out of there. It just seems like a good way to keep the system healthy. Just my $.02.
  9. T

    World Of Hempy

    Well, I left the male growing in my flowering chamber for now. I just started a new Arjan's Haze 3 (Feminized) a few minutes ago in my veg chamber. Looking for that to sprout in a few days. Glad I used up my freebie seeds while learning how to best work my new system.
  10. T

    World Of Hempy

    That's what I was thinking. Oh well, at least I have my process down.
  11. T

    World Of Hempy

    Some updates. Day 5 of 12/12.
  12. T

    World Of Hempy

    Personally, I would at least test and adjust your ph if needed. Who knows what quality of tap water you have. Regardless of nutes or not, ph levels set the right environment for growth. I wouldn't ignore it just because you're not using nutes.
  13. T

    World Of Hempy

    Thanks for the tip!
  14. T

    World Of Hempy

    Using your discarded earplugs would provide your own, let's say, special type of fertilizer. I've worn those things before, they don't come out clean as a whistle. LOL
  15. T

    World Of Hempy

    What have you been smoking? :)