Recent content by urmomis100

  1. urmomis100

    Reading Is Fundamental - What Are You Reading?

    I'm not into reading fiction novels, I read non-fiction books, newspapers, the economist magazine (I figure I should, currently in school for economics), PLAYBOY magazine (yea, I actually read it, not JUST stare at tits), and of course my boring ass college textbooks.
  2. urmomis100

    Keg Party

    And rebuilding those bridges (literal or not) would lower unemployment!!!! And we could destroy a fuck ton of cars and offer govt incentives to buy new ones! according to a statistic i just made up, that would cut unemployment by 50%!!!!! Oh wait.... we already tried that....
  3. urmomis100

    I Disagree With Ron Paul.

    yea... Im just lazy and a stoner I dont think there is a causal factor involved.
  4. urmomis100

    I Disagree With Ron Paul.

    awwww come on this is a stoner website! Ive noticed I fucked that up a few times and Ive just been too lazy to change it...
  5. urmomis100

    I Disagree With Ron Paul.

    That would depend on which workers youre talkin about, the ones that are unemployed because of govt policy or the ones that aren't.
  6. urmomis100

    I Disagree With Ron Paul.

    A haters gonna hate...
  7. urmomis100

    White House Saves The Life Of A Murdering Raping Illegal Immigrant.

    But I agree w/ you on this, Ive been watchin Locked Up Abroad and some foreign governments have treated our detained citizens like shit... and we cant necessarily bitch about that if we're hippocrates.
  8. urmomis100

    White House Saves The Life Of A Murdering Raping Illegal Immigrant.

    The treaty is not legally binding to the US unless our Congress approves of it and passes it- which has not happened yet. It protects our sovereignty as a nation.
  9. urmomis100

    I Disagree With Ron Paul.

    His policies, for the most part, are proof that he ISNT/Does not do favors for corporations, bureaucracies, etc. Im a RP supporter, I dont agree w/ him on everything but I support him bc he is not comparable to Clinton, Obama, Lincoln, FDR because they sold their souls to win an election. RP...
  10. urmomis100

    What have you "Mcguyvered" into a smoking device?

    also i wouldnt necessarily recommend this but back when i was underage and couldnt buy stuff from headshops i made a steam roller out of a paper towel tube, tin foil, and electrical tape. i just cut a square into the paper towel tube, put foil over it, and pushed it a little to make a depression...
  11. urmomis100

    What have you "Mcguyvered" into a smoking device?

    i once turned a pipe into a bubbler/bong, i put some plastic tubing into the mouth piece end (which was the down stem) and plugged up the carb on the pipe, and sealed the pipe into the side of a cheap plastic vodka bottle, and made a carb on the bottle. I liked it alot more than most homemade...
  12. urmomis100

    Ron Paul: Turtle Fucker?

    I think the question should not be IF he ever fucked a turtle, but if he still loved her in the morning if he did.
  13. urmomis100

    The Wake N' Bake

    I couldnt have said it better myself. I can smoke the top shelf stuff from the club all day and its not that it doesnt get me high its that gettin high doesnt feel different in any special way if I am high ALL the time. Besides, I like being sober for more time in any given day than being high...
  14. urmomis100

    The Wake N' Bake

    mj is a good hangover cure, but its also a daykiller as well. i try not to wake n bake unless i dont have jack shit to do all day like on a weekend. if i do, i make sure i dont smoke more than two bowls so that i can still come down w/o getting tired and be productive.
  15. urmomis100

    Took 5 (7.5 750 MG Vicodin) Waiting for the buzz! Talk Pain Killers!

    yea thats alot of tylenol unless you got the hookup and bought the stuff w/o the tylenol in it (pretty rare). Just dont drink anymore than 1 drink and youll be ok.