Recent content by VERTmcGirt

  1. V

    Jackberry ladies from seed, Vertical SCROG, 1k Bare Bulb.

    Awesome! That canopy is gorgeous. Great work Gh0staa.
  2. V

    DWC Root Slime Cure aka How to Breed Beneficial Microbes

    Hey guys! Great Info! I work at a local hydro store in Pasadena and this is the first I've heard of using the tea in a DWC. GENIUS! Heisenberg, have you ever used the Progressive Earth - Earth Compound and Tonic- ?? We...
  3. V

    fWEEDom Figher

    Finally I signed up! Been a pro lurker for too long. I would like to say hello to everyone here and happy posting. I'm a vert-grower so if you have any vert specific questions I'm here to help. -VERTmcGirt-