Recent content by Vikinsmoker

  1. V

    Leafs turning yellow with brown spots on them

    The are in a mixture of potting soil perlite and coco Peta
  2. V

    Leafs turning yellow with brown spots on them

    Yea The pot has 5 drain holes drilled under it , yesterday was rainy day so it looks wet
  3. V

    Leafs turning yellow with brown spots on them

    So few bottom leaves of my plants have turned yellow with brown spots on them are these spider mites or some nute deficiency? Please help
  4. V

    White spots on leafs

    I have ordered 99% alcohol and water in the ratio 1:9 as last resort is this ok ?
  5. V

    White spots on leafs

    Does need oil with dishwasher soap work ?
  6. V

    White spots on leafs

    How can I eradicate spider mites :-(?
  7. V

    White spots on leafs

    I have been seeing white spots on leafs it's not tye powdered white stuff fungus but tye leafs are having patches, can anyone please help
  8. V

    Pistil tip turning brown

    Thanks a ton
  9. V

    Pistil tip turning brown

    When will the buds start forming ? Any idea based on the pistils in picture
  10. V

    Pistil tip turning brown

    Thank you all for the reply
  11. V

    Pistil tip turning brown

    In the photos as u can see the pistils tips are turning brown is this normal or should I change something in the nutes or lights ? Please help
  12. V

    Flowering stage

    Are those the white pistils ? Can anyone please confirm ? It's my first time growing so I have no idea
  13. V

    Flowering stage

    Not yet :( ,any sugesstion for what nutrients I should give my plant ?
  14. V

    Flowering stage

    Ohhh is it ? , thanks a lot for the information :D