Recent content by weedmandann

  1. W

    has anyone tried the supernatural range

    thats what i thought mate i wonder why the p is so high
  2. W

    has anyone tried the supernatural range

    ive just been looking at the supernatural nutrient range they do 1 called super boost it npk is 10-49-10 this seems to be really strong stuff has anyone tried any of there stuff?
  3. W

    i got better results using less nutes

    i was reading my plants and i kept them healthy all the way through but i had a cf pen so i knew it wasnt to strong for my plants, what i was trying to say is all that super doopy fucking bid bud shit and all the extra things they tell you to buy is just a rip off, all you need is a good a+b...
  4. W

    i got better results using less nutes

    yeah it seems like canna does rule
  5. W

    i got better results using less nutes

    i wasnt using full strengh i was using about half strengh at the end of flowering and cf was 2.0 which is what it needs to be, its all just bullshit what they write on the bottle
  6. W

    i got better results using less nutes

    my first grow all i used was coco a+b,rizotonic and pk13/14 from the 3rd week of flowering to the week before the flush, the second grow i did i used house and garden a+b, multienze,bud xl,top booster and bloombastic, i followed the feed schedual as it said and i got worse results all my ph...
  7. W

    autopots or nft system, which 1???

    yeah all ive herd is great things about them, i would defo use the air dome i think it will make a massive difference to have that extra oxygen for the roots, i was also told to hand feed till the root hit the bottom, let me no how things go bro
  8. W

    anyone got any tips for white widow

    im just rooting some white widow clones, im growing in autopots this time, does anyone have any experience with white widow, which nutes etc etc,
  9. W

    autopots or nft system, which 1???

    hi guys, ive been grow in soil and hand feeding im gonna change to hydro i had my heart set on a big nft system but i was talking to a friend and he grows in autopots he puts an air dome in every pot and put 3 inch of clay pebbles in the bottom of each pot and fill the rest vup with 50%clay...
  10. W

    smelly weed?

    thanks guys, you have been a big help they have been hanging for 5 days now and still arnt crispy dry ill give them another day and then ill jar them and keep repeating the process and see if they start to smell
  11. W

    smelly weed?

    it was bone dry it crumbled in your finger tips.
  12. W

    smelly weed?

    the room is about 28degrees what should it be?
  13. W

    smelly weed?

    right everygrow ive done has turned out to be great weed, but not that smelly,my last grow there was 1 plant which was different to the others it was og kush and when it was dry it was the stinkest weed ive every smelt, but the the blueberry when it was growing smelt quite strong but when its...
  14. W

    what are fox tails??

    ive just been reading about foxtails, i have some on some of my bud, but when i open them up there is a tiny tiny dot inside them what looks like a seed, is it a seed or not?
  15. W

    White Widow Plants Need

    sorry to say this but they are fucked mate, is that a nft system, it looks like they have been over fed or underwatered or the temp is to high in your room, check the pump in the tank because they are easily blocked, is everything in your room is fine, pull them and start again, if not correct...