Recent content by Wesley@live1

  1. W

    Prevenitive Mantainance

    Got rid of them from what I can see. But is there anything I can do to prevent any lingering ones from repopulating.
  2. W

    Regrowing a harvested Plant !!! ?????

    You must be retared, throw tht garbage out
  3. W

    Red Diesel 8 weeks 4 days Flowering

    nice looking
  4. W

    1 month today (w/pics)

    bigger container, get nutes and get fan
  5. W

    My weirdoes!!! Tons of *pics* and problems!!!

    burn those plants, fog ur room and keep everything clean those have spider mites.
  6. W

    grafting plants together

    can u post a pic of this
  7. W

    Spots and deficiencies during flowering (Pics) Help

    who grows in a cup like tht? wut would ever give u tht idea? u need to just get at least a 6" for bud
  8. W

    think i got overwatering probs

    these are nice
  9. W

    think i got overwatering probs

    they look good just keep them tht way
  10. W

    she was abused how can i save her...

    looks like it has spider mites
  11. W

    White powder

    is there a cure for this
  12. W

    White powder

    got a fan dont no the humidity tho
  13. W

    White powder

    I have a white powder on my plants and do not no what it is. Its a vey thin layer and can be wiped off but then returns. Anyone have experience with this? Edit on the leaves
  14. W

    Spider Mites

    thnx for the tips