Recent content by Xavabien

  1. Xavabien


    No i don't see the monastry of the Chartreuse directly from my windows because obviously this monastry ,like most ,is isolated in the mountain so that the monks are sure to meditate in absolute silence ,but i live a little bellow in the mountain ,10 minutes by car . Imagine that this monastry...
  2. Xavabien


    Si c'est Tarantino qui le dit alors c'est vrai ! Le Royal cheese c'est pour les travestis ! D'ailleurs à propos de Tarantino dans "death proof" il dit lui-même que le meilleur alcool du monde est la Chartreuse ,il sait de quoi il parle et celui-ci est fait par des moines dans les montagnes que...
  3. Xavabien


    Well it's not so easy to have a friend you don't know :oops: Who wan't to be my new friend please ? :roll: i'll send you a big mac from France or a camembert if you want but don't forget to wash it with bleach before eating it :spew:
  4. Xavabien


    Hi, :cool: In any case ,having discussed a bit with Bob Bitchen on this forum ,even if unfortunately chernobyl S1 is only available in United States ,he is a very courteous ,attentive and friendly guy !
  5. Xavabien

    Your latest seed purchase?

    Hello , :cool: It's still very sad that the best selling seed at dc seed exchange (slymer s1) is not sold on any seeder that sells to Europe because i'm sure that if it was Bob Bitchen would have replaced the pop in Vatican ! :roll:
  6. Xavabien

    Your latest seed purchase?

    Little Santa Claus makes Bob Bitchen deliver to France so that we have a happy christmas,it doesn't matter if you don't win us a world cup,we already have 2 in the gift cupboard . :roll:
  7. Xavabien

    Your latest seed purchase?

    Hi, Chernobyl S1 bro you're so Lucky ,congratulation !:cool:
  8. Xavabien

    Recommendation for sorta new grower

    Sorry but i cant't find Bob Bitchen in Humbolt seed Organisation ...:roll:
  9. Xavabien

    Recommendation for sorta new grower

    Hi , ;) I tried chernobyl years ago and if i could do it again i would ne very happy it's really an exceptionnal variety ;Bob Bitchen seems to know his stuff and his genetics are catching my eye unfortunately DCExchange doesn't deliver in Europe ;I imagine that it must not have been easy for...