Recent content by zippythehippy

  1. zippythehippy

    Searched for Question that I Couldn't Find

    the way i see it the cfl is gonna cost £25 + a reflector if he doesnt make one that would most probably take his cost over the price of the 250w hps
  2. zippythehippy

    Searched for Question that I Couldn't Find

    why not just buy this
  3. zippythehippy

    Plant Ferts in the Uk for Veg Stage

    now if you want it cheaper and dont want to order online go out and get a bottle of babybio plant fert for veg and for flower get yourself some tomorite tomato feed thats all i use in my grows and i get good yields
  4. zippythehippy

    6ft Tall

    ok heres the pics any info would be good theyre under a 600w hps 12/12 for 4 weeksny ideas on yield
  5. zippythehippy

    6ft Tall

    i cant get a pic atm cos the lights are off but ill get a pic as soon as they are on
  6. zippythehippy

    Is This Lock Out

    just wondered did you use the pk13/14 at full strength if so it couldbe the problem if using pk13/14 in soil it should be used at half strength
  7. zippythehippy

    6ft Tall

    ok just a daft question but i got anaurora indica thats nearly 6ft tall in a 20ltr pot any ideas of how much it can/will yield its filled my tent which is 3ftx3ft
  8. zippythehippy

    Plant Sex

    i use tomorite for flowering im in the U.K and babybio for veg
  9. zippythehippy

    Drooping Leaves After Transplant (Attached Pic)

    its not cos its transplanted too early its cos of shock give it a few days to get used to its new home
  10. zippythehippy

    Question from Noob

    dang 18/6 all the way from start to finish itll give you good results ive done all my autos under 18/6
  11. zippythehippy

    Plant Sex

    looks like small preflowers in the last pic
  12. zippythehippy

    i pulled 5 oz dry off my maxi and 3oz off the auto ak i grew

    i pulled 5 oz dry off my maxi and 3oz off the auto ak i grew
  13. zippythehippy

    Maxi Gom

    just a quick update dry weight from the plant was 5oz yes they have critical mass bred into them
  14. zippythehippy

    Maxi Gom

    no feedback on this oh well im going to give it a few weeks and im going to put another maxi in my greenhouse hopefully itll do even better outside
  15. zippythehippy

    Maxi Gom

    ok just a quick update i took the maxi down sunday heres some pics the cans 500ml each and are just for size reference and wieghts are wet ill update with dry wieghts of the Maxi GoM when its done