

Active Member
Hey guys,

I harvested last night and I am hanging my buds in my grow tent. It is dark and teh temp is a steady 75 degrees with good air flow and ventilation. My only problem is humidity. It is at a constant 31 percent. I would like to raise it to around 40 to 45.

My problem is my humidifier is too big for the tent and would probably raise it too much.

I heard people say they put a bowl of water in the tent and that helped. I tried that and so far it hasnt done anything. I guess it needs to start to evaporate, but that wont raise it 10 - 15 percent.

Any ideas? If I need to I might try and find a small humidifier.


Well-Known Member
Hi ya :) Oceanic6 ( good name btw ... lost fan here :) )

Errrmmm not sure if this will help .... take a look at a post of mine ..

I got that the other day , I have tryed it out but have no need for it just yet ... and i can tell you that it really does create some nice humidity if located right ( it needs a tray under it to catch the mist moisture or it can get toooo wet ..... in the end i got a " Stainless Steel Flask " and dropped it in and replaced the pouring cap and let the wire run thru ... suspended it with a bungie above a tray at an angle and it pours nice mist into the tray ... its not only making realy good humidity ... its ionizing the air ... im amazed at how good it actualy works for a little DIY thing :)

But i have to ad this ..... if its not set up right it will soak the surrounding area ... so if you do try it be vey careful not to let the tent get soaked .. OR any electrics ... common sence applys here :)

Hope it helps ... its amazed me :)

Dr. Greenthum

Well-Known Member
Hang a wet bath towel in always does the trick....and for the perfect harvest, you want idealy 70F....and 50% percent humidity to get the perfect taste and smoke.


Active Member
Nice vento!

I would just put a bigger bowl of water. Haha. Or what I was doing is a 5 gallon bucket with water, and an airstone. Raised the humidity levels significantly.


Well-Known Member
Nice vento!

I would just put a bigger bowl of water. Haha. Or what I was doing is a 5 gallon bucket with water, and an airstone. Raised the humidity levels significantly.
hehe thanks ... it is very cool to watch when your stoned to hahah :)

Here is a vid ... this is not my set up but gives a good idea of how it looks ...


The Bath towl and air stone ideas are great .. and a lot cheaper though hehe

EDIT : ... Had to add this i thought it was funny ..... Reptiles seem to LOVE them to hahah


Active Member
Haha! That video should just be a picture somewhere damn it. I watched it all the way through keeping interested by looking for animals. bongsmilie