First Grow - CFL - Liberty Haze (What's your vector, victor?)


Well-Known Member
Ok... Here goes... I finally decided to start a grow 2 weeks ago.

Way back when, I used to breed cornsnakes and I accumulated some basic light fixtures, thermometers etc. So I decided to go CFL since I had the fixtures... I went online and began some research and started purchasing nutes, extra bulbs, a small fan and some seeds from Attitude.

Of course I got anxious when i found some old bagseed from god knows when. Long story short I ended up germing & planting 4 seeds without proper lighting, barren old soil and no nutes.

3 of 4 sprouted... One of the 3 started growing upside down, I tossed that one. Another would not shed the seed shell and went bye bye as well. There is just one left at just over a week old and is not doing well...

No worries though! Those 4 unknown seeds from years back were just something to keep me busy until my supplies arrived.

Well, Everything has arrived (minus some Y splitters) and now the real grow begins!

I used to be a custom woodworker and before I left my old job I built some heavy duty (if not odd sized) cabinets for my bedroom. I decided to outfit one side of the cabinet to be my germination/clone box. It measures 26L" x 15D" x 21H". I intend to have 2 fixtures setup in there with 4 42watt CFL's each, for 8 total.

Is this too much? Too little? I have a bunch of 23watt CFL's as well that i can add/replace if need be. Until my splitters arrive though I'm only using the 2 fixtures with one bulb each.

If all goes well I plan on moving these guys into a GL40 that a buddy of mine gave to me. It seems kind of small though as it is only 16"x16"x48" or so. Maybe it will be good for vegging. Either way I do have a larger cabinet that I could use as well for vegging/flowering if need be. That one measures 48"x16"x36" and can be turned if need be so that the 48" is the height.

In either case I intend to have about 4 fixtures total outfitted with 4 CFL's each to veg/flower with.

Naturally I'm using 6500k & 2700 lights as needed. And I'm going to keep them on for 24/7 for the first week, perhaps two weeks. After which i intend of going 18/6 for the rest of veg.

I'm using FFoF for soil and Jack's Classic for nutes. I wont be giving any nutes until the end of the 2nd or 3rd week as I believe the soil has plenty.

Oh oh, the plants...

I have that week old unknown bagseed going...
along with...
1 Grand Daddy
4 Liberty Haze (Barneys Farm)
1 NL x Big Bud (World of Seeds)
1 Sweet Black Angel (Samsara)

So that's 8 total. I only wanted to do 4, But forgot they were feminized and germed them all. Oh well, I'll be playing catch-up it seems.

I think that is all? My brain is wandering... Did I miss anything? Any advice is welcome. Thanks!
Oh, here is the small germing/cloning cabinet with my little guys in there.

Bags on them for humidity... I'll remove them in a day or so.

Also, This photo if from my phone, so don't laugh.


PS - That fan will be getting replaced.
Oh, here is the small germing/cloning cabinet with my little guys in there.

Bags on them for humidity... I'll remove them in a day or so.

Also, This photo if from my phone, so don't laugh.

View attachment 2057318

PS - That fan will be getting replaced.

whats wrong with the fan? does it move air? if so then its fine.

everything looks good as of right now. if your seedlings are having trouble sheding the shell its ok to help them out a bit just be really carefull and only do this after they have gotten it off themselvs for the most part.
dig it. subbed. rep. speaking of rep, i need more! lol i got a lil initially, havent gotten any in months! i suck. lol.

photo is fine. fan doesnt need to be replaced necessarily...DO definitely need ventilation in there. more than you would think. i thought i went TOO big on my 2 foot cube with 2 and a half inches total diameter intake and 4 inch diameter output...4 in inline fan for exhaust...
i cant rep you right now. if you want more rep get on the forums and say something smart :)

you have 258 posts and i would be willing to bet 90% of them are from your thread, my thread and gastankers thread.....
matt - The fan is fine. I just find that its a bit bulky for the cabinet and I can't move it around like I would like. Something smaller (maybe quieter? lol) would be much better. Some of the gals I planted yesterday have already popped their heads and they don't seem to be having any issues shedding their shells. I think it was just that batch of seeds or something? Just seemed to be that one plant.

rad - Wow, you couldn't be more correct. I buttoned everything up earlier and went back about 30mins later and the thermometer was at 101F. I took everything out and drilled two 2" holes, One on the top right and another on the bottom left. I put everything back in, positioned the fan as best I could and although it has cooled it down a bit it is still too hot for my tastes. 93F or so when all buttoned up, Around 91F if I leave the door cracked. And this is only with 2 bulbs! What is going to happen when I add 6 more?! I'm gonna have to borrow my buddy's 4" hole saw tomorrow I guess.

Oh Yes, I have made another mistake.

Some of the gals started popping tonight and it looks like I may have boned out and planted 2 seeds together! What do I do? Can i try to take one out and replant? leave it be? I'd appreciate any advice anyone could give!


PS - What is the benefit of "rep"? What is it? lol
first off 1 seed per cup! :) you will want to let them get aquanted for another day but after that your going to need to get them into thier own space. theres a few reasons for this. 1st they dont like to share, 2nd if something by chance happens to one of your buckets, accidental nute spill or something you dont want 2 plants to meet the same fate. and 3rd by growing 2 plants per container you are ultimatly cutting that container size in 1/2.

do you have acess to any PC fans? if you do grab up 2 of them and rig em up to some old cell phone chargers( or any charger/plug that is a black box looking plug and that meets the same volatge requirments as the fan, alot of times you can find old junk ones kicking around. PC fans if you have a local computer repair shop just go in and ask them if they have any used fans kicking around in the shop, tell them you are doing a mini wind turbine project if you want to avoid the aqwardness or just say its for your kids science project....

take one fan and exaust out the top hole and the other fan and intake through the hole in the bottom. this should get your temps down.
+ rep just makes that green bar go up, its really nothing great its just a way for members to say "Hey thanks for the good advice" and it shows other members that someone has earned a good rep on the site by giving straight foward legitimate advice. you can add to someone reputation by clicking the little black star icon on the bottom of the post, it lets you leave a comment to the person to say why you gave them rep.
first off 1 seed per cup! :) you will want to let them get aquanted for another day but after that your going to need to get them into thier own space. theres a few reasons for this. 1st they dont like to share, 2nd if something by chance happens to one of your buckets, accidental nute spill or something you dont want 2 plants to meet the same fate. and 3rd by growing 2 plants per container you are ultimatly cutting that container size in 1/2.

do you have acess to any PC fans? if you do grab up 2 of them and rig em up to some old cell phone chargers( or any charger/plug that is a black box looking plug and that meets the same volatge requirments as the fan, alot of times you can find old junk ones kicking around. PC fans if you have a local computer repair shop just go in and ask them if they have any used fans kicking around in the shop, tell them you are doing a mini wind turbine project if you want to avoid the aqwardness or just say its for your kids science project....

take one fan and exaust out the top hole and the other fan and intake through the hole in the bottom. this should get your temps down.

Funny thing is last night I had all my cups out. Soil, ready to go. Seeds, showing taproots and ready! I started planting them and by the end I had an extra cup left. I thought maybe I dropped one, Looked for it and couldn't find it. Thought I was going to get away with my stupidity unscathed until I saw those two poking out today! Guess I had to fess up sooner or later! lol

So tomorrow will be just under 48 hours since I planted them. At that point I can gently separate them and replant? That's fantastic! I know it is going to be stressful on them but at least I know I can do it now. Thanks!

Neat trick with the PC fans! Yup, I just got done building my new system 3 months ago (OC'd to 5.2Ghz Woohoo) and I have some fans laying around. I'm gonna go gather all the cell phone chargers in the house and hope I can adapt them! I'll let you know how it goes.
haha i should have know you had that shit lying around by your SN.......what games do you play?

and yeah you can gently seperate them no probs just be gentle and shouldnt be much stress at all. i suggest shaking them out onto the table and seperating the dirt away from them instead of trying to pull them out.
haha i should have know you had that shit lying around by your SN.......what games do you play?

and yeah you can gently seperate them no probs just be gentle and shouldnt be much stress at all. i suggest shaking them out onto the table and seperating the dirt away from them instead of trying to pull them out.

Well I have all the fans in the world it appears... 80mm, 120mm, 240mm, any I want... But I'll be damned if I can find an adapter I can use! lol.

I finally found a 9V adapter from my old network router. It can only power one fan so I'm using one fan on a 9v adapter as my exhaust and the fan on the floor as my "intake" for now. It's helping and a step in the right direction but I'm gonna have to go get a 12v adapter tomorrow. I also think I'll be drilling a 4" hole to replace the 2".

And other than installing some outlets in my home, That would be the most 'electrical" thing I've ever wired myself. lol.

PS Good idea for separating them, I'll be doing that tomorrow. Hopefully I'll have some pictures too!

PPS I'm a mmo kinda guy. Ive been playing Rift and Star Wars the Old Republic. Also a good mix of Rage, Skyrim & Fallout in there.
i tried SWOTR my brother has it it seems like a legit game. i play WoW and MW2 wish i had MW3 but hey whatevs i dont play enough these days for it to be worth spending the extra money. i used to play wow alot back in the day but have dont really play that much anymore.

good luck with your fans man, i have tons of them dam adapters kicking around but i used all my 12v ones up :)
matt - Yeah, SWTOR has a nice feel to it. I just cancelled my sub after the 2nd month. They're releasing content updates before fixing any problems. We still cannot size our UI or move any of the elements around! That's like mmo 101. heh. I was a big time WoW'er for like... 6 years. I jumped boat right after cataclysm was released. And thank god, because they're adding Kung Fu panda's to azeroth for the little kids next expansion. How lame is that?!

midi - Yes, the liberty haze was one of the 2011 CC winners. I haven't been able to read much on the strain or find anyone else that has been growing it. The only thing I've found around here regarding the haze has been negative. So I decided to give it a go.

jiggy - They started a new round of beta for Diablo 3 last month! I'm trying to get in. I normally never have a problem getting into beta's, But this time around it seems blizzard is being real strict. I want in!

Ok, Time for me to go search the house for some 12v adapters. there has GOT to be one here somewhere. Talk to ya's all later!
haha word. maybe. fucking blizzard.

matt n i are both comp sci majors. i play mostly bf3 with a lil skyrim mixed in nerds unite!
haha yeah i started playing WoW back in the original days and they have really butchered the game more and more with every expansion that has come out. i just tool around now a few hours a week if that. i just dont have time to game these days between school and my son who is almost 3 months old, he keeps me busy :)

they have adapted the game to the kids because they are a majority of the population that plays.
haha, yes! gaming nerds unite! Ive been bouncing all over the place since I left WoW. Rift, Swtor, DC online and a bunch of single player games. I feel like a vagabond, I can't seem to find a good gaming home lately. Help me Diablo, You're my only hope!