Carbon filter Idea.. will it work?


Active Member
I am trying to save money because I spent 5 months of savings for 600 watts of LED lights and Im trying to cut overall cost of ventilation and odor control. so my idea is with the clip on 6 inch fan. I will cut a whole from the mylar and duct tape it around the the sides of the fan and behind the fan I will duct tape carbon filter sheets used for aquariums so when the air spits to the outside of the tent. it will have to pass through the carbon filter sheet that is taped to all around behind the fan. I am only suggesting this because since LED produces no heat, a 6 inch clip on fan will hopefully be enough for ventilation and odor control.
Those sheets are "pre-filters" and will provide minimal odor control.

I would rethink your strategy of cost cutting the one aspect of growing that keeps you safe from discovery.
I use those activated carbon fiber pre-filter sheets. I use multiple layers fixed over the intake of my small centrifugal fans. They work great if you have a fan that can actually pull pressure.