Coffee Conversion


Well-Known Member
I have a little girl with soil that is slightly alkaline(high PH). I am planning to add coffee grounds (to lower PH) to a gallon of distilled water and organic nutes. The question is how much coffee ground should be added per gallon? Please help me my little girl is looking sad and that makes me sad!! Thank you to all in advance.kiss-assLOL!!


Well-Known Member
does coffee work does it? id say grab a small bottle of ph down or ph up which ever you need, can get small bottles of it at low cost. only want the best for ya plant init.

coffee might work tho. never tried. but its go caffiene init. sure your not gonna be giving other stuff aswell, like coffee


Well-Known Member
I've read that coffee ground are acidic and would bring the ph down. Also good source of N. I don't do u know how much should be added to a gallon of water? Thanks.


Active Member
An ounce and and a half coffee grounds per gallon of water if they are used (2 1/2 tablespoons). And you don't have to add the coffee grounds in water, just sprinkle very lightly around the base of the plant, kind of stir them into the top layer of soil and check your pH everyday. Either way, it works great. Just be careful not to burn the lady with adding the other nutes, coffee grounds have a fair amount of nitrogen in it.