help plants arent getting taller


Well-Known Member
hey guys, i am having a problem with my plants not growing tall. they are about 6 weeks old and one of them is only 2 inces tall. they are growing new leaves and stuff and the really small one is starting to turn a dark purple color. i have them in some 2 gallon pales, and im thinking that my container is not big enough. i had posted a couple weeks ago and was told i might be over watering so i stopped watering them so much and now just water them every few days when they start looking dry. i just transplanted one into a 5 gallon bucket (my biggest one, wich stand a mere 6-8 inches tall) my friend started growing his around same time i did and his plants are about 1 1/2 feet tall now. i leave them outside overnight and all day in full sun, should i shade them a bit so they reach up for the sun? i also put a dead fresh whole yellow perch (fish) in the middle of my bucket, im waiting to see if this stuff all helps but i transplanted 2 days ago and not seeing much of a difference.

when i pulled the plant out to transplant it the roots were covering the bottom of the dirt in the smaller bucket and they were enough to keep all the souil together.

what size containers should i put them in? i want something big enough for them to live out thier entire life in. will a 5 gal bucket be big enough?

and if i have left them in too small of a bucket will they recover when i transplant them or should i just start again (its getting kinda late in the season and i dont have any means to grow them inside). all the plants look healthy except they are really short, they are growing new leaves (slowly) and staying good color so i dont want to start over if i dont have to. is the fish a good idea for nuts? if it is i can go catch some more and do the same to all of my girls.

where can i get some 5 gal buckets? anyone have any good ideas, i dont have alot of money to spend on this project (im growing to try and save money on buying it)

any tips and advice is appreciated, ill try and upload some pics to show you what i currently have going on.

here are some pictures, it has been really hot and sunny out for past 3-4 weeks not much cloud cover and they get sun from dusk till dawn.

like i said they are about 6 weeks old, maybe im just being impatient but i am assuming they should be taller
seeds tend to take a little longer to start takin off, does your pots have proper drainage in the bottom? my friend had a garden and one plant was in a pot with shit drainage and it barley even grew at all.
seeds tend to take longer than wat...? cuz seeds should def take off faster than clones. my boy planted 10 seeds a week ago, they were about 4 inches tall n they are already a foot. if u were over watering u may have caused some root rot. when u transplanted the one how were the roots lookin? were they fuzzy and white or a light brown? btw nice dog budsmoker... i dont like bullies but i like that rednose u got.
i drilled 1/2 in holes in the bottom and sides of buckets so the water should be able to get out just fine, the soil is potting soil but shit even in some really crummy dirt they should grow. i have used plant food spikes and now have a dead fish as fertilizer.

the roots looked white (not fuzzy tho) and they were EVERYWHERE on the bottom couldnt really see much dirt all roots
and anyone know why one of my plants is turning purple? i mean theres almost no green left and the plant seems to be alive, i mean they are purple not like dead and brown HAHA
i can start a seed and cut a clone on the same day and the clone will outgrow the seedling, i mean hell three weeks later my clone is rooted and growing good and the seedling will just have a feww sets of leaves. Over the long run seedling's will overtake a clone IMO but not in 5-6 weeks. This is why people do clones in perpetual harvest's they are faster plus you know you have a female.
and anyone know why one of my plants is turning purple? i mean theres almost no green left and the plant seems to be alive, i mean they are purple not like dead and brown HAHA

i always thought purple stem's etc. meant they were stressed
unless it's in the genetic make up of the plant. To have purple tendencies.
it hard to say i wouldnt worry to much about the purple plant though.. were ur plants growning good in the beggining and then slowed up or have they just been growing slowly... one year i started mine outside to early and we had a real cold night and the plants atfer that grew super slow so it could be that ur plants were stressed at an early stage but if they were going good it the beginning i dnt think thatd be it and 2 gal pots wnt prevent ur plant from growning all mine are in 1 1/2 gal pots and all are 1 1/2 -2 feet
make a Mini greenhouse or something, cover them with a clear tupperware or big soda bottle? and try to keep your hands off them >,< I think alot of people "love" their plants to death, I vote you water less and just let them do their thing.
Seedling shouldn't show purple leaves cuz of genome. Well if you really have 60F at night it shouldn't be the problem.

I think that you growing different strains ? Different strains has different specifications. One can grow in bad pH while other one will die. Different strains is like people, one is more resistant to stress, and other will die cuz of light stress.

Anyway, maybe you overwater them. Or air humidity is very high (is it very rainy in your area). Or it may be both. You'll need to tell more if you want help.
i drilled 1/2 in holes in the bottom and sides of buckets so the water should be able to get out just fine, the soil is potting soil but shit even in some really crummy dirt they should grow. i have used plant food spikes and now have a dead fish as fertilizer.

the roots looked white (not fuzzy tho) and they were EVERYWHERE on the bottom couldnt really see much dirt all roots

this may be a problem. what kind of plant spikes? and did u just grind up a fish and throw it in the soil?
I think you started them in far to big of buckets. The roots are growing more than the plant, atleast from what I've read. I know if the roots have less room to grow, more of the plants energy is put towards new leaves and shoots. This is just my theory i could easily be wrong, I'm just going off what I've read in teh past.
I think you started them in far to big of buckets. The roots are growing more than the plant, atleast from what I've read. I know if the roots have less room to grow, more of the plants energy is put towards new leaves and shoots. This is just my theory i could easily be wrong, I'm just going off what I've read in teh past.

i think the problem with containers being too big is that the soil just stays wet. when the top dries, they water it again thinking its all dry. but the bottom can still be wet. thats why lifting the container and feeling its weight is better, if possible.

that purpling problem the OP has looks like a Ph problem to me