First Grow


Active Member
I just germinated 5 bag seeds. I plan on growing outdoors, and I was wondering what is the best size pots I should use to grow in. Is a mixture of Organic Miracle Grow and Perlite sufficient for growing? I am not out to grow a shit load, I just want to see what its like to smoke and share my own home grown


Active Member
You're gonna want at least a 5 gallon container for each plant. You can pick them up from walmart or home depot. That potting mix is fine, just know that it will contain nirtogen, so it will be easier to burn the plants when you fertilze them. The other problem with growing in pots is it will require a lot of water. Probably you have to water them daily in the middle of the summer, because no matter how big the pot is, it dries way faster than in the ground. The bigger the pot the better. Good Luck.


Active Member
Ya the outside of the bag said it fertilizes up to three months so I won't add any extra fertilizer until later on. Thanks for the help. I will keep in touch and hopefully add some pictures as soon as possible.


Active Member
So unfortunately only 1 out of the 5 seeds germinated. Im guessing this happened just because they were bag seed and some of them might have been immature. So I went ahead and planted the one seed, and I just started to germinate 6 more seeds. I am hoping on having at least 4 plants and hopefully more than half of them female.


Active Member
So when I planted the one seed I was kind of in a hurry and I still had to go buy soil and perlite. The only place nearby was an Ace Hardware. They had no organic soils, so i just bought the one with the lowest level of nitrogen and perlite. I hope this wont be a problem.

When I got to the place I was going to grow, I dug out about a 3 gallon hole and filled it with a soil perlite mix.

This is my first grow so I don't really know what to expect. Does this sound like a good start to everybody?

I plan on posting pics as soon as possible and as soon as I can find my usb plug for my dig. cam.


Active Member
I finally have posted some pictures. These are from 4 days after they were germinated. There were 6 to start with but only three have really sprouted.

The one in the pic that hasn't sprouted yet, I dug up and noticed it has just germinated so I will just wait and see how it does.

I will probably keep them in the cups for about 2 weeks I think, and then transplant them outside. Does this sound good to everyone. Please give some feedback to a first time grower. Thanks


Active Member
Wow just since I took the pics this morning I can notice some more growth, and the 4th plant is starting to sprout.

Does anyone have any suggestions to any of my previous questions? Please help. Thanks


Active Member
I'd water them daily. but not too much, you don't want the soil to be soggy or the roots will rot. You don't want that.. Make sure there is holes on the bottom of the cups so the water can drain. Other than that, happy growing!


Active Member
Thanks I thought once a day would be good but I just wanted to make sure. And I already put holes in the bottom so it could drain. Thanks


Active Member
The plants are looking pretty good today. It is obvious that the plants in my first two pictures are still the most dominant. I am not sure but I have noticed a lot of the time that the plants that usually grow faster, end up being males. I really hope this is not true in my case. However, it may definitely be the case.

I should have some new pictures posted on Friday, so you can see the growth difference between Mon-Fri. As of now all four plants have sprouted and are currently still in the small cups under two 23watt cfls for 24hrs. I will probably move it to a 18/6 schedule over the weekend just to get them used to the changes, so when I plant them outside they won't be in shock.


Well-Known Member
I wouldnt be watering every day. You need to let that soil dry out. If its dry in 1 day, then you need better pots. But you shoudl check about an inch down and see if its wet. If its not wet at all then water, if it is then wait. You should be watering about 2-4 days I would say. 1 day is just too soon. Hope that helps.


Active Member
Ya I started to notice that the plants really didn't need watering everyday. So I have started to water every other day or so. Thanks.


Active Member
Here are some pics to show the growth between Monday-Friday. The two dominant plants are in the same order as the were at first but the lower two were switched around because I was trying to get more light on the smaller one.

The one picture is just a overhead shot of my set up. It is really simple but it seems to be working for this period that I will have my plants inside.



Active Member
So today was the first day I switched the lighting time to 18/6. I hope I haven't put them into shock or anything


Active Member
Sorry I haven't updated for a few days, but 2 days ago I transplanted them outside. Unfortunately the two times I have checked them I forgot to bring my camera with me. Is it normal for the plants to look a little droopy after they are transplanted outside? I hope it is that they are just in shock and they will recover soon. Please feel free to give your opinion. Thanks

I will have some pics for you guys before the end of the week.