Deport Em! ( Funny Sh*t don't get but hurt)


Well-Known Member
Seen these on FB thought it was funny and here's one of my own!

I hope Donald Trump does deport my Filipino legal immigrant brother in-law that refuses to work, lives in his car, collects welfare and has an obama phone (been here 10 years worked 1 month* maybe)

deport em 2.jpg deport em 1.jpg
read again he's legal! in California you can walk out of the welfare office with an EBT card in 30 min.
nah he's been on welfare for almost 2 years now, before that he was living off his moms SSI
my mother in-law lived in senior housing $200 a month, she got assistance with electric and phone and food stamps too. then my sister in-law took her to IL, so he wouldn't be leaching off his mom. he calls every first "mommy im hungry" seriously 30 year old man still calling mommy!
my mother in-law lived in senior housing $200 a month, she got assistance with electric and phone and food stamps too. then my sister in-law took her to IL, so he wouldn't be leaching off his mom. he calls every first "mommy im hungry" seriously 30 year old man still calling mommy!

Still crying about this, grow up adolescent pos