
ya sure... my bad i didnt see this.... holler at me w some questions and ill try to get on here over the next couple days and get ya an answer... its a really great mix and can be very simple when u get it down..
Thank you. I appreciate the response. So I know you talked about the EC in the runoff and how important it is to keep it within a certain rang of 1.0 - 1.5. And thank you for that clarification, it really helped me out during the last month of my 1st grow. I also remember you saying you experimented with different PHs and different NPK combos and you didn't see a difference in quality.
My question is about PH, see I was having an issue when testing my runoff I would measure the EC to make sure it was around 1.3ish and I would measure the PH as well but the PH would always be around 4.9 which is too acidic (At least that's what I've read and seen in youtube videos). And I was struggling to get the PH up to at least 5.5.
you want to measure ur tap water and see whats up w the ph... then add ur nutrient solution and take another test. the ph of the nutrient going into the plant is whats important.

what exactly are u running for nutrient... NPK and ull probable need somne other stuff aswell so if u could tell me what ur going with i could help ya with some minor adjyustments.
ph of the runoff is much less important. i havent seen anyone worry about that to be hionest with you beuase when u add ur water and nutrient the plants will spend the next day or two eating the nutrient you have given it... and that will change the ph of the runnof beacuse the composition of the runoff is different and thats OK i think.
I am running Jack's 20-10-20 All General but I want to buy the 20-10-20 Peat-Lite since that is the one Dr. Bruce Bugbee uses. Other than that I use nothing else. I make sure the water is properly Ph'd with the nutrients as well. And thank you for clarifying that testing runoff Ph doesn't matter. I just started a new grow and I am noticing my plant is starting to yellow on the lower nodes already.
take a look at the jacks u are using and the jacks peat lite because one of them is just pretty much npk. there is almost no calcium magnesium and sulfer in that fertlize... he gets a lot of that in his soil mix w the lime and gypsum but usually not enough for cannabis.. u could add extra gypsom to ur jacks 20-10-20 when u feed the plants..
gypsom is calcium sulafte so that would get u some calcium and sulfer.. some peolpe add epsom salt witch is magnesium sulfate so that would get u more magneisum and sulfer...
he reccomeds the 20-10-20 as a general fertlaizer but when i go deeper into his papers it seems to me the nuitrnet line that most closly matches his methodology is chem-gro... specifically using the 4-20 fomrula they reccomd... witch is like 1 part 4-20 mix 1 part calcium nitrate 2/3 part epsom salt... use that for veg.. the hobby forula 1 part hobby 1/5 part epsom salt for flower
these would basically averasge out the the 20-10-20 he reccomends but it also has the calcium magnesiuom sulfer in the nuitreint feed as opposed to the bugbee method that puts a lot of that stuff in the soil.. its eaiser to gauge when its in the liquid feed.
if u want gimme ur email or somethiing and i can send u the spreadsheet i used to break out the nuitreints based on his 2004 paper to kinda try to steal his nuitrient mixes
Sure it's [email protected]. I'm growing bagseed at the moment and testing my luck. So far I've gotten 4 seeds to sprout and I'm growing them right now.