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  1. Userunknown

    Second opinion wanted please.

    I feel its ready to chop. Indica strain. Im just asking for second opinions on the trichomes. It put in a few pics. It was really difficult to get a decent pic through my loupe lol. Thanks in advance!
  2. Userunknown

    Helppp... please.

    I touched on this on my previous post. Ive upped my amount of nutes and added cal/mag. Seems to be getting wors3, and my buds on the 2 most affected are not really swelling up any. PH is 6.3 (should i get them to 6.5?) Most affected- left(fresh candy auto) and back(white widow auto) The white...
  3. Userunknown

    Phosphorus deficiency or?

    Hello.. So i have 3 autos in a tent. Temps stay around 70-80. Never more, never less. Growing under a 400w LED. Soil is 1/3 ocean forest, 2/3 roots organic. Ph on all 3 is 6.4-6.55. Watering at 6.3. I was fairly sure it was phosphorus deficiency, but i wamt to be sure. I just gave a 1/4...