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  1. Phantom350

    curling leaf

    what is going on with my leaf. 16 days in to flower
  2. Phantom350

    calcium deficiency or ph levels?

    not sure what is causing this its on old growth and only 4 leaf's and suggestion
  3. Phantom350

    calcium deficiency or ph levels?

    not sure what is causing this ots on old growth and only 4 leaf's and suggestions.
  4. Phantom350

    White Widow 14 day in bloom

    So I'm using happy frog with 1/3 perlite. 3 gallon fabric pots. 1200 watt fs led lamp with 200 watt fs side led lights . with advanced nutrients m g b. big bud and will later use overdrive. Am I on the right track hear. and suggestions? or opinions?