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  1. oxvirgoxo

    my first grow *under construction*

    4-10-2020 so i havent actually begun growing.. but someone made the suggestion to keep posting thru planning and setup too... so today ill start with my first entry (other then the couple threads in the design and setup category)... went to order a good chunk of my equipment just a lil while...
  2. oxvirgoxo

    airflow and capacity/yeild questions

    just have a couple specific question about my grow room plans... ill start with the basic details of what im planning i have a 8×10 room its heated and cooled with the rest of the house and has a ceiling fan in the middle of the room... plan to have (2) 2.5x5x6.5 tents gonna use diy ebb n flow...
  3. oxvirgoxo

    "essential employees"

    i sent my boss an email askin her to fire me so i can collect 900$ a week unemployment she told me punch tiffany(coworker) in the face and make her bleed and shell fire me i told her ok then lil later sent her an email sayin tiffs gushin blood you might wanna call her an ambulance she responds...
  4. oxvirgoxo


    just gonna leave this here.... anyone that doesnt want their cheetos can send them to me.... $oxvirgoxo
  5. oxvirgoxo

    sisters smh

    my nephew has a toy lantern thats bright af... told my sister i needed to borrow his lantern this weekend to do some wiring for new outlets and gotta have the power off... she tells me do it during the day... yea i plan too but theres still no windows in the attic (facepalm)
  6. oxvirgoxo

    looking for seeds

    prolly already a thread for this but...
  7. oxvirgoxo

    finalizing plans for a small but epic grow room

    backstory...i live alone in a small 3 bedroom house and planning to dedicate my small guest bedroom (10x8) into a green room the plan is to have 2- 5x2.5x6.5 tents one will be running a 1000w kingled light 2-6in fans and a 400gph pump powering a diy ebb n flow table with resevoir placed outside...