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  1. L

    How much longer till harvest

    I don't have a strong magnifying glass. Can anyone tell how close this is to harvest? It's at the very beginning of week six. To me the trichomes look white but not that many red hairs. Also I got a little yellow on the borders of topmost leaves. I moved the lights away thinking it's light...
  2. L

    Need help identifying problem

    Can anyone help me decide what's wrong by looking at this leaf. It is affecting leaves throughout the plant. It is just starting week 5 of budding. So far, the buds and sugar leaves look ok. I was thinking a cal/ mag deficiency.
  3. L

    Need help with diagnosis a/s/a/p

    So my plant is about three weeks into the flowering/ budding stage. This yellowing with brown spots is coming up all over, not just on the bottom. This is my very first plant and I am lost on what to do.
  4. L

    Doing great

    After a rough start, looking good! Have been on 13/13 for 2 weeks now. No problems.
  5. L

    Brown spots, plz help!

    I noticed these brown spots on several of the lower leaves. One leave was actually all yellow and brown. What can this be and how can I fix it?
  6. L

    Slightly curled leaves.

    I just noticed a few leaves are curling down a little. What could this be and how can I fix it?
  7. L

    Two shades of green on fan leaves

    Does this look like a problem? It is only on the large fan leaves.
  8. L

    Two shades of green on fan leaves

    Do es this look like a problem? It is only on the large fan leaves.