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  1. Rawpow

    Pre flower too early _ wrong light cycle

    Guys my euphoria show sex female but is damn soon in my opinions n 4 week in veg.. They are photoperiod and because i have to move ve them outdoor i planned to decrease (not yet she is under 12/12) slowly the hours to 9(cos they can have nine house of direct sunlight). I not to early for showing...
  2. Rawpow

    Sprout Seed with husk still on

    Germination in papel towel then when the tap root sprout i plant it in the soil (maybe not deep enough)2 day now... what have i do ? Re planted and add on top more soil? Or leave it alone? Pleeeasee help me sorry for my english i m italian
  3. Rawpow

    Seed husk still on

    Germination in papel towel then when the tap root sprout i plant it in the soil (maybe not deep enough)2 day now... what have i do ? Re planted and add on top more soil? Or leave it alone? Pleeeasee help me sorry for my english i m italian