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    Is this a decent light for a 4x4 indoor tent
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    Help!!! My leaves turning reddish brown

    So, I just switched my plant to the bloom cycle yesterday, and gave it nutrients. Today, I check the tent and a bunch of the leaves are turning a reddish brown. No issues the entire grow. Bright dark green leaves, no stretching. It's 2 plants in a DWC in a 4x5 grow tent with a 1000 watt mhd...
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    LED VS HPS, What's the best route for lighting

    I hear arguments for both sides, regardless of electric bills, heat, etc. Which is better for plants, LED or HPS lights? I've heard a lot recently that hps gets bigger buds than LED, that they just aren't strong enough.
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    So, I have a weird problem. My plants are growing to well, too fast. I'm seriously considering cutting flaps in the top of my grow tent, to put the lights outside, to give me more space. The seeds I got weren't supposed to get this tall, I have the light as high as They can go( without cutting a...
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    Can I save them????

    So, I got married yesterday, which is why I didn't notice my timer broke. So the heater was left on and it got to 105 degrees in my grow tent. My plants are all drooping. There's like 3 or 4 dried up leaves, but the plants as a whole are still green and not bitter, just really droopy. I...
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    My plants are about 2ft tall, stems and branches are really thick. Its been about 4 and a half weeks in veg, but I'm thinking about the height. They say it's possible to double in height, and the way these are growing, I'm a little worried. Should I switch to flower now? Any input is...
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    I'm about 2 weeks into the veg stage, and just curious if my plants look ok. All the Youtube videos they grow to a ft overnight, I know that's not true, I did a little trimming, the taller of the two is about 7 inches. Is this ok, or should I be worried.
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    Foam!! Should I be worried.

    So, it's week 3, just added nutrients. I've been told this happens sometimes with the Advanced Nutrients brand, so I added nutrients yesterday, and a root enhancer. The plant looks healthy, big leaves all green, open the DWC bucket and it's a layer of foam on top, a lot of it. Google says let it...
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    So, I'm germinating my seeds in rockwool, how long before I start with nutrients, instead of just water?
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    Don't want to over feed

    So I've seen a lot of videos running DWC with 5 gallon buckets, but when they feed they do enough nutrients for 1 gallon, not the amount of gallons actually in the bucket. Is this accurate, just checking. I've learned a lot of you tube videos aren't 100% true all the time. Appreciate any feedback
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    Too much Light

    So this is my first grow, I've been reading and it said 800-1200 watts for a 4x4 grow tent. I was gonna run 2 Phlizon 2500 450 Watt Cree Cob lights and a 150 Watt HPS in the middle. Smaller HPS, to keep the heat down. Is this touch for a 4x4