Search results

  1. Beard-o

    Train wreck autos, suggestions

    Ive grown train wreck photos before and enjoyed them. I'd like to try the same strain, but this time in autos Can anyone recommend a quality seed company who carries them?
  2. Beard-o

    Potent indica strain

    Planning on beginning a new indoor grow in the next couple weeks. I'm looking for a real nice pure Indica or indica dominant strain. Something to smoke right at bed time, induce couch lock, then off to bed. Ive grown some indica photos over the years and enjoyed it, but I'd like to see...
  3. Beard-o

    My tomatoes

    Tomatoes 7 days from seed.
  4. Beard-o

    Need a new grinder

    Not a growing question, but a question nonetheless. I dropped my old grinder on the floor, dented, and it no longer works. I need a new one. Any new in hand grinders I should be looking at?
  5. Beard-o

    Is curing for improving flavor or potency?

    Talking to an old time grower the other day. This guy was sort of my mentor. He insists curing does little to improve potency. Potency is a byproduct of good genetics, mature trichomes and proper drying. He says curing only improves taste and smokeability. Thoughts?
  6. Beard-o

    Generic Grove bags

    I learned this after I bought a bunch of real Grove bags. But Grove bags are nothing more than generic mylar bags. Available all over the Internet, in a variety of sizes. Resealable and oxygen free just like Groves. They're sold as mylar odor free bags. The Grove folks simply had they name...
  7. Beard-o

    Grove bags, first time

    My weed's all dried. Bagged it up in my new Grove bags. Added a hydrometer, sealed, and off to cure. Large bag is 1oz, glass less is 1/2oz, and the small is 1/8.
  8. Beard-o

    I bite the bullet and bought a real microscope and it was... of the best things I did. Bought an entry level student AmScope, 20x-40x. Amazing, it takes all the guesswork out of trichomes. On 20x the trichomes on your piece of bud fill up your view. Clear, white and amber are easily read. On 40x you can actually look inside the individual...
  9. Beard-o

    Late stage auto hermie

    Never had this happen before. Beautiful auto Blue Dream, covered in buds and loaded with trichromes. We chopped her today, and while trimming we saw pods. I placed the fresh buds under the microscope and they were covered in sticky trichomes, both milky and turning amber. Ran her through the...
  10. Beard-o

    Possible need to rehydrate

    I may have gone two days too long on drying. Is there anyway possible to get some moisture back in these beautiful buds?
  11. Beard-o

    I think it's ready, do you?

    Gorilla Cookie auto, snipped a sample last night and looked at it under the scope. Looks like it may be time.;)
  12. Beard-o

    Switching autos from a 20/4 cycle to an 18/6 in final stages of flower?

    A friend told me that if you have stubborn autos that are taking forever to ripen, try changing their light cycle He said switching from the 20/4 cycle to an 18/6 cycle will often jump start the trichomes and force them into ripening. But only for the last couple weeks. Anyone?
  13. Beard-o

    Ready to harvest? advice appreciated

    I've received good advice here in the past, so here goes. Showed a friend these photos, he's says they're cloudy and ready. I'm seeing...not so fast. I'm not so sure, they look kinda clear? Auto Blue Dream, day 43 flower, day 77 from seed. Appreciate some thoughts.;)
  14. Beard-o

    Day 42 flower, auto Blue Dream

    I'm still playing and learning my new handheld usb digital microscope, so please bear with me. Day 42 flower, auto Blue Dream. Cloudy or clear. I see mostly clear, a few cloudy.
  15. Beard-o

    Harvest is close, watching trichromes, advice

    Im growing 4 autos, One of which is a Fastbuds Wedding Cheesecake. Billed as seed to harvest in 63 days. IMO a bit ambitious, but that's marketing. Ok, I'm in day 77. Beautiful frosty plant, but the only place I see amber trichomes is on the sugar leaves, and very little on the buds. I've...
  16. Beard-o

    Auto Wedding Cheesecake week 5

    Auto Wedding Cheesecake week 5 A look at the trichomes. Still look clear to my eye.
  17. Beard-o

    Massive hard buds, yellow leaves?

    I'm presently growing 4 autos, Blue Dream, Wedding Cheesecake and Gorilla Cookie. The buds are as big, or bigger than any weed I've ever grown. All are tight and firm, but the Blue Dream are rock hard. Intense nose. But what concerns me is the leaves. They're all turning yellow? I've posted...
  18. Beard-o

    What ya think day 40 flower

    420 Fastbuds Wedding Cheesecake, day 40 flower. 1000w HPS
  19. Beard-o

    Tested my new handheld digital USB microscope

    Just got it, and tested it out. Trimmed a couple sugar leaf tips. I'm concerned about the photo, not so much the trichromes. Can I do better with this unit, or as this as far as it'll go? BTW the plant is an auto Gorilla Cookies.
  20. Beard-o

    Gorilla Cookie day 66

    She's skunky as all hell. My wife got loopy just handling it. My gut says another week. But she's not sticky? That concerns me. Thoughts