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  1. fastnlow93teg

    interesting read on how marijuana became illegal

    I found this to be a good read..rather interesting..Found this article while reading local news on the medical mj act in our NC house today..woot! The debate in our state government over the medical use of marijuana has refocused the debate over the legalization of the plant. I will be the...
  2. fastnlow93teg

    anyone having issues uploading pictures?

    I keep getting security error messages when trying to upload pics to a thread tonight...Anyone else having issues?
  3. fastnlow93teg

    My lil bubbleponics setup

    Ok..I started a thread in new members and it kinda turned into a semi-grow journal..So I thought I would post here, more suitable.. My setup, a bubbleponics setup with an extra airpump and 2 more airstones. CFL grow with 6 lights now, fixing to add 4 more. different lights for veg and flower...
  4. fastnlow93teg

    hi from east coast...newish grower

    I have been reading and reading on this site for quite some time now...I have spent many sleepless nights browing this great site...I finally decided to start a small grow area in the utility room closet, with the wife's permission of course...kiss-ass I purchased the bubbleponics setup and...
  5. fastnlow93teg

    newbie with grow room question

    Whats up everybody? I'm back to being a newbie...havent messed with growing in about 15 years...haha...Here is my question... I am going to closet grow using the bubbeponics setup, with 400w grow lights, both mh and the other...anyway, there seem to be lots of helicopters flying overhead...