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  1. Jayman1231


    hey guys, so two of my plants have ended up being male, now i know that you can make hash from males. do i need to wait untill the end of flowering or can i chop them and use them for something now? thanks guys n gals
  2. Jayman1231

    Hey to everyone

    hey everyone im new around her just thought id intro duce my self. i have 3 grown under my belt( i know still newb:P) id just liek to say this is an amazing comunity we have here with lots of great info, friendly people and amazing talentsbongsmilie peace guys& gals:joint:
  3. Jayman1231

    New Grow

    Hey everyone, so im just starting my 3rd grow. the first grow was just a couple seeds in a feild at my friends farm that got to be about 7 feet tall. the second was a pc. now i built a cabinet in my closet, it is 2ftwx2ftdeepx 4 feet tell. i have 2 gro lux flo tubes, 2 daylight tubes, and 2...
  4. Jayman1231

    newbie grow q?

    hey everyone, quick Q i was wondering how hard it would be to start from germinated seeds outdoor? if we had a week of warm tems would they sprout? thanks:bigjoint:
  5. Jayman1231


    just curios, have any of you ever tried the smoking mixes just for the hell of it how is it , thanks :joint: happy tokin boys n girls