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  1. st45h

    plz help

    organic nukes/botanicare sweet grape and hydroplex and m.o.a.b mother of all blooms hydro set up ph 5.9 ppm 600 ben budding since nov 5 n
  2. st45h

    how to make buds bigger or go to next phase plz and thank you!!!

    organic nukes/botanicare sweet grape and hydroplex and m.o.a.b mother of all blooms hydro set up ph 6.1 ppm 890 ben budding since nov 5
  3. st45h

    Help plz

    organic nukes/botanicare sweet grape and hydroplex and m.o.a.b mother of all blooms hydro set up ph 5.3 ppm 1200 ben budding since nov1
  4. st45h

    plz help

    organic nukes hydro set up ph 5.3 ppm 1200 ben budding since nov.1
  5. st45h

    Any criticism

    Useing general hydroponic and a power call pow some grape for taste ppms 1100 ph 5.5 2 weeks bud so far
  6. st45h

    Tips please!!!

    7 week old plant hydro im uses general organics/bio thrive 6.3ph 7850ppm
  7. st45h

    Help!!! Plz and thank u

    tep. 75 hum. 30 ppm550 ph 6.7
  8. st45h

    plz help new pics

    hum. low tep80 85 ppm 850 ph 6.5
  9. st45h


    ppm850 ph 6.5
  10. st45h

    yellowing plz help ppms jump to 1800 after puting fresh water its crazy lol

    :o hope the pics all right
  11. st45h

    Looking good a little yellow on top any comments. plz and thank u

    plz comment 2nd grow budding ph 5.7 ppms 1000 hydro gear orgk nuks pro bloom
  12. st45h

    still a little yellow

    ya still yellow ph 5.9 ppms 1120 hydro gear ben n budding for 2week i do see white hairs :leaf: but wat do i do bout the yellowing plz and thanks!
  13. st45h

    Any suggestions

    im useing hydro gear ppms 800 budding for bout 2week ph use pro bloom is there any other nuks i should be use plz and thanksbongsmilie
  14. st45h

    plz help!!!

    6.2 PH 800PPMS its budding now ppms jump up by it self its crazy only ben a week in budding
  15. st45h

    Advice Plz!!!!

    sorry bout the pic lamp shows crazy on cam. ya since i put her n to budding she got yellow
  16. st45h

    Any comments plz and thank u

    ya its look a little yellow in midde im useing organic and n e advice:peace:
  17. st45h

    Advice Please?

    [ATTACH=CCH]ONFIG]1619250[/ATTA idk if the pics showd i was see if n e one had advice bout my plant my is ph 6.7 and ppm 767 im use organic pro grow hydro plz and thank u for the help :mrgreen:
  18. st45h

    Big Bang Seed!

    I'm planning on planting a BIG BANG seed! I was just wondering if anyone has any best practices when it comes to growing hydro. Is there a certain pH that will help produce a better ending product. I also have some concerns about the ppm, temp, and humidity. Any answers will be greatly...
  19. st45h

    sink or float

    if seed floats thats good right:sad:
  20. st45h

    pop all ready !!!

    im useing rockwool cubes how long dose it take to pop a seed n one plz and thanks :lol: o and dose n e one kno wat to keep super sliver haze ppms and ph at or any other info