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  1. GaijinSama


    Hey, all. I was just making up some worksheets to record growth, ppm, ph, etcetera for this next 'experiment' of mine. Does anyone have any templates of such already made up, or good ideas on what other info to put on the sheet? I'm trying to log four seeds (Inky, Blinky, Pinky, and Clyde)...
  2. GaijinSama

    Back Again

    Hey there, all you RollItUp pimps! Gaijin here, with an update... After two small soil grows to get my feet wet, and several months of reading around here and talking with experienced growers to refine technique and expand knowledge, I am ready to try hydro! I will be using White Russian seed...
  3. GaijinSama


    GaijinSama has entered the building! Just wanted to say hi and introduce myself. Recently started my first minigrow, and found this place looking for info. Really good knowhow scattered around here, with some old-timer ingenuity. Very much looking forward to smoking the 3 month miracle of life...