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  1. WAsmoker

    Nirvana's 'Aurora Indica' Smoke Report

    Grow Data Strain: Nirvana's Aurora Indica (Afghan x Northern Lights) Feminized Grow Medium: Soil Veg Time: 4 Weeks Flowering Period: 67 Days Nutrients: Generic 8-4-4 Veg Nute, CANNA Terra Flores, Mollases, Snow Storm Ultra Smoke Report Appearance: The buds are characterized by an...
  2. WAsmoker

    Mysterious Yellow Blotches/Spots (With Pics)

    I've seen these yellow spots intermittently on my young Aurora Indicas. They have occurred pretty randomly, but mostly on the older and lower leaves, not the new growth fortunately. My best guess right now is hot spots, but I need some help! I'm using space blanket for reflective covering. It...
  3. WAsmoker

    Nirvana's Aurora Indica - 400w Mh, Soil

    Well here we go again. I grew for my first time almost 2 years ago, with the same AI seeds. If you saw my last journal you know I'm far from experienced, and I don't have a lot of resources, especially fiscally. This time I'll be rockin' a 400w Mh rather than the the fluros, and the eventual...
  4. WAsmoker

    Mushroom Season in The Pacific Northwest

    Last year, when I first became interested in shrooms, I was fortunate to find a nice field of Liberty Caps. That was in late October. I am a very impatient person, and have been counting the days until I could find some more. So I keep checking the field for the libs, to no aviel. Even though...
  5. WAsmoker

    Libertys Caps during spring

    I picked some libs last fall (In Washington state) and tried them for the first time. I really enjoyed them and now I'm left waiting 7 months for the season to start. So, since the conditions (luke-warm, wet) are similar i was wondering if they grew in spring? Hell, even late winter. Lately it...
  6. WAsmoker

    First Time Grow~DIY~In My Basment

    How's it going? I just joined here because RIU seems like a very helpful and chill site full of experienced growers. Since I discovered a small room in my basement I got the idea of growing some mj in it. I smoke quite a bit and enjoy gardening so it seemed like a no brainer. So I ordered some...