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    Help me round out my 1000W Medicine Room!!

    Okay well Im trying to round out my medicine spaces. Im gonna talk about the "Budding Chamber" right now... Its about 5x6 or something like that. It used to be a DIY 400w setup and grew decent....... Continued.....

    Been a while, Gotta little problem, need a little help!

    Hello everybody Its been a while since my last grow with the 400hps. I think its still in my sig lol. ANyway I finally decided to get around to another grow. Well actually I tried and it got cut short due to the weather/attic temp was affecting the closet and I was having to move too much air...

    Nirvana BlackJack Seeds, Did they come??!?

    ...Excellent turn around time. It was less than 2 weeks. Actually sooner than I expected, As im not done with my previous bagseed "harvest"... So I cant even start em yet :wall::-P Kinda worried about a couple of em, But for the most part I guess the seeds look decent... I will be germing the...

    Well, It went from piss, To purple stems.

    Classic. I mean people are running train on this motherfucker. Back To Back! :clap: Damn I need some of that laughing your ass off vortex I was reading about earlier. Forgive me for taking up threadspace. But it is rather retarted sometimes. In a good way:eyesmoke:

    Whats with all the Piss threads??

    ".............Im gowna piss own youuuuuUUuuuUuuUu" :clap: No. Seriously. Whats with the 5 piss threads on the first page. And like 3 more on teh 2nd page. Lotta R kelly fans out there I see.

    What strain had you laughing your ass off for no good reason the most?

    ...Just curious....... What strain have you smoked, that made you so fuckin happy in the head you laughed at shit for no reason. Looin for a good strain to enjoy rediculous comedy movies with. You know, a room full of idiots watching the plasma laughing their asses off while watching...

    nirvana BLACK-JACK, just pulled the trigger own dem bitchezZz.

    Just ordered a 10 pack of black jack. I went on for days trying to decide which to purchase. HIGHLY thought about white widow, Even posted a thread on that. And also thought about snow-white, It was almost snow white, But the lack of info and the plant in the pic looked so good, And the...

    I want to grow -W.W- from nirvana. (+Q&A)

    -So Im getting near the end of my current grow.:mrgreen: (Bagseed, But good bagseed, From GOOD smoke) -Now, I know some people have STRONG feelings on where WW comes from, And also original is now Black Widow via Mr Nice Seeds... -I also know there have been ALOT of happy folks it 'seems'...


    ...Ive been reading on how important humidity for when you are drying out your bud. Supposed to keep it around 45%, and dark, with some air circulation.... So I know my temps are good, But Im pretty sure my humidity is down at a normal level for a well vented house. Since I am wanting to take...

    1st attempt with self wired 400 HPS w/bagherb, and DIY cooltube.

    Well Ive been slowly moving along, Still a novice grower when you want to get down to brass tacks... CFL wasnt working out so well so I am hopin for at least a couple ladies out of this round, The 400 HPS I put together is definatly a HUGE improvement as far as plant growth, I mean I didnt think...

    Double checking 400w HPS wiring!

    Hey guys, New to this forum. Just got a 400 HPS kit. Been doing ALOT of reading etc, Tried some grows with a nice CFL setup I made. Anyway, I wanted to make sure I have the wiring right before I go to wire it up! So I laid it out, and labeled it best I could with paint... Substitute the 240...

    Just registered!

    Hey everybody, new here but have been a long time reader! Still a novice at growing... Have 2 kids and a wife... And too many projects to get done! Look forward to being an "active" member now haha.Thanks for havin me. :joint: