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  1. M

    Expert advice needed

    I have literally tried everything to cure this problem without much success. Photos and extensive description below. Strain :White Widow 1000w HPS Air Temp - 75-78*f Water temp - 70*f Humidity - 50 Fert - Golden Bloom (currently 1500 PPM) 3 part solution PH - 5.9 Room - 3' x 4' x 10' in height...
  2. M

    Leaves curling. WTF!

    I've just went to a completely new system in order to better control the environment as well as the nutes and root zone but I'm still having issues. Not only are the leaves curling under they're also twisting. Six - White Widow Temps 70f low to 78f high Humidity 35-50 % - a bit low 1000w Super...
  3. M

    A list of questions, please answer what you can.

    Room conditions are okay, I have plenty of fresh air, good temps. good humidity and ton of light. My soil is a mix of three different potting soils, some chicken manure, course sand, perlite, and some extra hydroton I had laying around (not re-used) Please reference the question you're...
  4. M

    What's your opinion? Help needed, please.

    Get a beer, this ones a bit wordy. I have pictures but am not including them because they tend to mislead. So, if I've explained this thoroughly, and you know your stuff, maybe you can help me figure this out. I've got some White Rhino, Mint and an unknown strain all about (5) weeks into...
  5. M

    Soil growers, I need your help - Pics

    Okay, here's one. I've got some White Rhino and some Mint and an unknown Indica growing in soil. They are currently in the veg stage, 18 hours a day, under a 1k metal halide. Temp stays steady from about 74f lights off to about 78f when the lights are on. Humidity is about 40% with plenty of...
  6. M

    Please diagnose this problem. Ph or ???

    Okay, here's one. I've got some White Rhino and some Mint both growing in soil. They are currently in the veg stage, 18 hours a day, under a 1k metal halide. Temp stays steady from about 74f lights off to about 78f when the lights are on. Humidity is about 30-40% with plenty of fresh air. They...
  7. M

    Soil grow problems - Advice appreciated

    I have looked at several different diagnosis pages, sites and books and still can't find anything that looks like the pics below. Strain - White Widow Soil - Supersoil Potting Mix Light - 1000w HPS - 3ft from tops Temp - 72f -low - 78f - high Humidity - 40-50% Room - 3' x 4' - 12' ceiling Veg...
  8. M

    Same problem - new pics -

    I have looked at several different diagnosis pages, sites and books and still can't find anything that looks like the pics below. Strain - White Widow Soil - Supersoil Potting Mix Light - 1000w HPS - 3ft from tops Temp - 72f -low - 78f - high Humidity - 40-50% Room - 3' x 4' - 12' ceiling Veg...
  9. M

    Old dude needs help with new grow- Pics

    The photos are of some White Widow I currently have. I'm a former Hydro guy, but wanted to try soil for a change. This is also a new strain I haven't grown before. These plants were planted in Supersoil Potting Mix about a month ago, first in four gallon buckets and were recently transplanted to...