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  1. banter

    the sad story

    Hello this is the story of my second season. Last year I grew three monsters out side, all quite by accident, and harvested 1.5 lbs dried. For my first grow I was stoked, now this year unfortunately I was working out of town all through May and was not able to plant any seeds. when I returned I...
  2. banter

    Four favorite fotos from first flower.

    can't wait until next year :smile: Flickr: Photos from Lobsel Vith
  3. banter

    Don't Panic!?

    October 13, 2007 Lanark County, Ontario 7:30am This is what i awoke to the other morning, I was a little worried, as this is my last plant to come in, but still needs a bit more time. luckily the sun stayed out for about an hour and she seems fine now. the...
  4. banter

    What are these spots.

    I hope someone can help me. I cant ever see any bugs, even under magnification, but one of my plants has these spots ???? I cant seem to find a photo of enything very similar but when looking up pests but it sort of sounds like spider mites ?? the problem has gotten a fare bit worse there is...
  5. banter

    The accidental gardener

    Hello everyone, this is my first post on this site and third ever.. this is the story of my marijuana plants. Early to mid May I planted several bag seeds in an old manure pile by the barn, just to see what would happen. After germinating maybe fifteen more seeds, I planted several in crudely...