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  1. ForumToker

    Hermie? Plz no!!

    Hey guys, this look like a hermie to you? I can't find anything that looks exactly like it. It's my only plant left in my first grow due to a catastrophic accident with my lighting and I have nothing else to compare it to. Those little buds or balls is what's confusing to me. It for sure has...
  2. ForumToker

    Is this the dreaded ball sac?

    It looks like balls to me but I wanted to confur with the experts before putting this one down. All the pics are the same plant. End of week one in flowering. Thanks guys
  3. ForumToker

    Heat stress?

    Does this look like heat stress to you guys? I have 3 plants all from the same bagseeds, in all the EXACT same conditions and this is the only plant exhibiting these signs. It is positioned in the middle of the other 2. I'm doing an organic closet grow, good airflow, temp's 82-75, 12/12, end...
  4. ForumToker

    Can you help identify male or female?

    Long time gardener and partaker, but first time cannabis grower. Is this a Pistil? Thanks guys/gals!!!
  5. ForumToker

    To UVB or not to UVB??

    So there are a few recent and very good discussions on the boards by some grow artisans regarding UVB lighting but no definitive conclussions from what I can find. I figure, what the hell, and just ordered one from Amazon as an addition to my flowering gear. My problem is that I am currently on...
  6. ForumToker

    Leaves Folding

    Hey all. First of all, thanks to ALL posters on the site. I'm on week 4 of my first grow ever and if it weren't for all of you, I wouldn't have known where to start. So give yourself kudos! This little baby turned 4 weeks old today. I transplanted "her" 3 days ago into a mix of: 2...