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  1. Trilix

    Oven Drying

    How long and what temp should I put my bud in the oven to dry it so I can get a sample while clipping my harvest?
  2. Trilix

    How long can you keep trim to make hash?

    I want to make hash really badly, but I feel like I won't have a worthwhile amount of trimmings to make it (or make a decent amount at least) until maybe 2-3 grows from now. Is it possible to store dried trimmings in some sort of container for long periods of time and then use them all at once...
  3. Trilix

    The PC Flower Box

    I already have a great grow space with 7 ladies all doing wonderful, but recently through some browsing I came across this I understand that it's not exactly the biggest of grow boxes, but that's fine. I wasn't really looking for yield. I was more or...
  4. Trilix

    A General Synopsis on Growing

    Welcome to my general synopsis for growing marijuana. Here I will (hopefully) teach you everything you will need to know to grow your own top quality weed. Before you read any further it is important to know this one rule: No matter how much money you spend on your seeds, grow room, and...
  5. Trilix

    Adding veg CFLs during flower with 400w HPS

    Right now I have 7 ladies all just about four and a half weeks into flowering and they are under a 400w HPS light. I was hearing about adding a few CFLs that you would use for vegging in as well during the flowering, and that it would increase the potency. Is there any validity to this, or was...
  6. Trilix

    Is heat causing stunting?

    So flowering was started on Dec 14th, and everything has been going great. But living in my location, it gets quite cold at night. Consistently below 20 deg F (Out door temp). The room is on the corner of house, so it is directly next to the outdoors. Now when the 400w HPS goes off at night, I...
  7. Trilix

    Free Attitude Seeds Offer?

    I saw somewhere around here that someone said Attitude Seeds was giving away 3 free seeds from Dec 6-9th. I am a moron apparently and can't find anything on their homepage regarding this, is there anyone out there who knows a little bit more info on this, or can point me in the right direction...
  8. Trilix

    Temp running a little high

    I haven't exactly put anything in my area just yet, but it is rather small. Because of it's size the CFLs in it keep it at a high 89.3 with the fans on, and 93 without them on. I am currently looking for a new place to use instead but in the mean time, what exactly would the damages be if I used...
  9. Trilix

    To the paranoid people out there

    As of lately I have seen quite a bit of threads concerning their safety regarding being tracked online by police and getting busted, due to posting pictures of their grow. While I am not exactly a computer guru, I can explain why you are safe here in a rather basic way for everyone to understand...
  10. Trilix

    Plant not drinking, any solutions?

    Currently I have 7 ladies going all in veg. All of them are doing wonderful and look great so far except for one. Appearance wise, it looks fine, just smaller then the rest of them. It is the strain Kush Berry. The rest of the ladies are all around 6", while Kush Berry is more like 3". I have...
  11. Trilix

    My Stealth Cabinet (Pics)

    Just finished setting up my stealth grow cabinet. Took a lot longer then I planned but I am pretty happy with the results. The cabinet itself is about 30" tall, 18" deep, and 28" wide. Inside I have 6, 27w CFLs mounted in a homemade hood I whipped up. I have 4 more CFLs that I would like to put...
  12. Trilix

    Can I use this cabinet?

    I have a cabinet that would be perfect for a nice stealth grow. The dimensions on the inside are 26in Tall, 29 inches width, and 17 inches in depth. Is this enough room to do a sea of green, or possibly 2 ladies? I would guess I could grow them to about 7 inches then flower but would the yield...
  13. Trilix

    DIY: Power supply / computer fan hack

    Are you looking for a good way to create airflow in and out of your box that is relatively small in size? Well computer case fans are a great solution and they are relatively cheap. Here is a good way to use computer fans without having to have a whole computer to plug them in. First you will...
  14. Trilix

    How will smoking near a plant effect it

    I plan on putting a cabinet grow in my room. The thing is though, I have a hookah I use everyday in the room. The grow itself would be contained within a cabinet inside of the room, and sealed off aside from the fans bringing air in and out. Would the smoke from the hookah being used cause any...