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  1. M

    Outdoor underground grow?

    So yeah, I've decided to try something a bit more sneaky since my previous 4 or 5 grows kept on getting fucking over from parents / authority figures (No cops or anything like that) constantly bumping into my shit like the week or two before harvest. (So lame.) See, behind a garage is this...
  2. M

    Light timer w/ CFL's?

    Hey, I'm pretty much 99% sure that this is possible, but for some reason when I was up at Home Depot a while back they told me "You can't have an automatic light switcher with bulbs like that" (When talking about my CFL's, from 23 watts to 42 watts.) and I was thinking, wtf? Wouldn't I just...
  3. M

    Dead weed plants for fret?

    Would a dead plant, right after being rooted + cut up (Due to being a male) be a good source of -whatever- for new baby weed plants? I pulled up the plant + buried it in some soil; which will eventually decompose. I figured it might do some good, ya? Or na?
  4. M

    Fan leaves burning?

    Hey, I recently planted 3 bagseeds under x2 42 watt warm cfl's, x2 27 watt + x1 22 watt cool cfl's. So about 160 watts in total; a little low but their small + in a really compact place (Still plenty of vent + 2 fans on all day + pretty damn humid due to vaporizor + cups of water all over the...
  5. M

    Quick + easy nute recommendations please.

    I'm sure this is a really easy question but it's still a needed one: What types of nutrients should I be giving my plant at this stage? Right now it's about a week or so from seed (Germinated with paper towels, no chemicals) but I waited a while to plant it (Kept it all nice and moist, seemed...
  6. M

    Switching from flower to veg after sexing?

    Is this possible? I would think so, eh? See, right now I have one plant doing pretty well in pretty good conditions. Proper PH water, x2 23 watt cool white spiral floro's / x2 42 watt red light spectrum spiral floro's, and M.Grow (No nute burn or anything, seems fine). A fan is also on...
  7. M

    CFL light question (Again 8)!

    First post as well, hola. Well I decided to try and grow some pot a few weeks ago, so I looked up a few things and bought a few lights / set some stuff up. Right now I have x2 42 watt soft white cfl's + x2 27 watt daylight cfl's attached in a pretty damn small grow room that's a little bigger...