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  1. G

    recirculating dwc w/ House and Garden, new growth is yellowish

    House and Garden Nutes 700ppm 6.1 ph 65-70 temps The new growth on my plants is light green to yellow and somewhat mutated. Stems on one plant are a bit purple up towards the yellowish growth. I assumed this was a difficiency. Since the yellowing emerged I have been doing slight water...
  2. G

    converting from dwc to soil

    Hey everyone, when i started about 2 years ago I started with dwc. After countless problems and solutions I've come to realize the only way to resolve some of my issues is to hang up the hydro dream and convert to soil. Any tips for starting out fresh in soil? I have a great grow shop here in...
  3. G

    no flush hydro info

    I remember reading a thread once where a member (i think his name was "no flush") who was advocating to not flush in hydro before harvest. I recall his argument being sound and somewhat scientific, does anyone remember this info or thread? Anyone have any info on not flushing in hydro? Thanks
  4. G

    hygrozyme = soapy bubbles/froth and brown stuff maybe nitrate turning to nitrite

    ok, I never used any kind of enzyme or additive with my dwc set up and was successful for about a year no problems. I started adding hygrozyme a couple weeks ago and have been going through some things. First off, I am convinced Hygrozyme causes bubbles/froth in a well aerated res. Second, I...
  5. G

    will seeds from trimming (very few seeds) be ok to pop and grow

    I have acquired a number of different seeds from someone who trims for a grower. They don't find many seeds but every now and then one shows up. Are these more viable to be stable females than a full on hermie seed? any info is appreciated thanks
  6. G

    spider mites last week of flowering,will make it but how to clean grow after.....

    Hey everyone, I found spidermites about 3 weeks out from harvest. After reading tons of info on the suckers I got some einstein oil and made a spray. I am confident that I will be able to spot spray the suckers until harvest time without hurting the end harvest. I also set up a humidifier and...
  7. G

    flowring island sweet skunk, may have to cut early, opinions

    I have 2 ISS flowering since March 31. I am leaving town on May 30th for two weeks, do you guys think I should cut on the 29th or let it go until I get back around June 14. I am growing DWC 400w and have someone that can look after while I'm gone but not cut. I was thinking I would start...
  8. G

    Harvesting questions 2 weeks out

    Hey so how long after harvesting should you trim?
  9. G

    when do leaves start yellowing during flower

    Hey, about how many days into flowering will leaves start yellowing?
  10. G

    dwc slight pinkish/red on roots

    Hey everyone, after making some adjustments my buddies are doing great. healthy green and reaching for the light. I have noticed however there is a slightly red/pinkish tint on some of the roots. My room temp is 75ish so I'm guessing the water temps are ok, and plants seem to be thriving just...
  11. G

    new clone (blue cheese) in hydro not doing well

    I got a rooted clone and dropped it in a bubbler. The clone when I got it looked very healthy. The roots have now entered the water in the past 24 hours. When I got the clone it had a big fan leaf near the bottom of the clone that was somewhat yellow and dried out. The stem was also purple...