Search results

  1. sharpe

    Getting Good Soil, The Hard Way.

    I have been around numerous sites and grow guides, but no one has ever addressed how to blend your own soil mix directly from the ground. I think that if your going to grow organic then why should you have to pay to do something the natural way? If possible i would like to get as much as...
  2. sharpe

    Growing with overhead ballast HID lamps?

    I was recently looking through craigslist for a HID lamp and have found a couple that are cheap and the right size, but they are the type of fixture used in warehouse lighting and have the ballasts directly above them (Ie. Intended to be mounted on the celing) Im wondering if these can be...
  3. sharpe

    Best strains for northern latitudes

    What are the best strains for growing outdoor in northern areas ( like BC and washington , oregon)?