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  1. The Lt.

    Everything going good? pictures...

    This is my 1st grow...I think that the 3 lady's are doing well. I started this grow a while ago...Well here is it now and what it is up to.... I guess my questions does it look...I have never had a grow before so I do not know... Also about how long am I looking at? And how will I...
  2. The Lt.

    Michigan took a hit for the war for legalization!

    Well here is the good…,0,4309771.story That is a good thing for the State of Michigan… a full time office. There are a few (the one that I and my “patents” went to). Either way then they put this shit up the...
  3. The Lt.

    Going to clone here in the next few days...

    I am looking for tips on cloning. I have read in the High Times "Ganja Grow Guide" a way that seems to be easy...I googled it to see if I could find a link. The only link that was what I was looking for linked me to this site. This is the system that I think that I am going to do. If there is...
  4. The Lt.

    Post some pictures of your homemade projects...

    Anyone can go and buy a bong or pipe...but it takes a special person to be able to go and make a creation that you can smoke out of and get stoned!. Post up pictures of what ever you made into a smoking device. I'll start things is a picture of my minute made apple juice container...
  5. The Lt.

    Not even reard for water yet! The start to a long thread......

    Well here it is...I have everything and now all that I have to do is get it put together. What I am going to be working with: 2 Hydrofarm 600 watt ballast 2 Hydrofarm 600 watt bulbs and fixtures 1 Hydrofarm 1000 watt ballast 1 unknown brand 1000 watt bulb and fixture 4 large trays that I plan on...
  6. The Lt.

    Can anyone tell me anything about this plant?

    I am new to the game and do not know alot about seeds. I am wondering if anyone can tell me anything about it. Ind? Sat? Mix? how long I am looking at. Any help would be great. Oh and as for the seeds and where I got them...well a $30 1/4 sack special :-(
  7. The Lt.

    Bleach to get red of it?

    I just acquired a new system that looks to be a "out of the box" set up. (I will get a few pictures up later). Well it was cleaned out with Comet and bleach. I read up on this and I see that bleach leaves a do I get rid of this so called residue? If I overlooked it and it is here...
  8. The Lt.

    The start of a good thing!

    Well I started out with a simple covert operation as I intended to just try to save a little money on my smoke. Well I started by searching a few grow boxes. I was going to start with a PC grow box however decided that that was going to be a little small for what I wanted to do. Here are a few...
  9. The Lt.

    Is it really that hard....

    I started this post because I am searching on line and it looks like we picked a hobby that is not really a cheap one! I am wondering does it really take something so special like a hydroponic set up or even HPS or Mh lights to produce good bud? I ask this because I remember back when I was in...
  10. The Lt.

    Here it is and tell me what you think...

    Well I started out with a simple covert operation as I intended to just try to save a little money on my smoke. Well I started by searching a few grow boxes. I was going to start with a PC grow box however decided that that was going to be a little small for what I wanted to do. Here are a few...
  11. The Lt.

    Michigan Legal!

    I am not sure how many people here are from Michigan here. But if you are looking for legalization I would highly recommend the Mid Michigan Compassion Club. They are a great step if you do not know where to go. They are very helpful and knowagable with Michigan law. Just a .02's worth
  12. The Lt.

    Male or female?

    In my post introducing myself i mentioned that I have little to no expernce growing let alone hydroponics. I seem to have it down though. However I have searched google and a few other images to tell if plants are male or female. I think that I have pulled the right ones (at least I hope!!!) and...