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  1. S

    Using Neem oil in flowering

    So i got a bad case of spider mites. So i bought some Neem oil. I am in flowering with some nice buds forming and i am pretty sure that I cant just spray this stuff on the whole plant. Avoiding the buds would be hard to do if i sprayed. Should I spray the whole thing? Would it be dumb to like...
  2. S

    Question on using Neem Oil

    So i have actually had spider mites for the last month or month and a half. For some reason they had little to no affect on my plants. And still really are not doing much. I know they are spider mites because I studied a few with my trich hand magnifier. Recently they just started to multiply...
  3. S

    Question on branch weight

    This might seem obvios but can someone tell me when it is a good idea to tie up branches. This plant is pretty lanky and the branches are sagging way down from bud weight (no picture). I have a while to go in flowering so I am sure they will get heavy enough to brake. I also like to turn my...
  4. S

    Nutrient Burn

    Say someone i know has a beutifull 2 1/2 feet tall girl in veg. He just transpanted it from a 2 gallon container to a 5 gallon befor he changes light cycle. The genius used miracle grow and it gave the plant slight nutrient burn befor he realized what was happening. the roots did not take to the...