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  1. Handson

    Raining oil in Florida Crazy shit
  2. Handson

    History Just Repeats it's self?

    Really interesting video
  3. Handson

    Russian troops in America

    Please be prepared American citizens. My thoughts are with you all, even the skeptics, it's going to be a rough year.
  4. Handson

    UFO I captured on film and photographed

    Alrite, I do a lot of sky watching because of the chemtrails. If you think I'm crazy, fine, but I'm ready for whatever is coming, this worlds dying man. If you are American I suggest you look up why lots of Russian troops have been sent to your country. Back to the UFO, this flew over...
  5. Handson

    Big problems in poland Genuinly concerned now tbh, things are going tits up everywhere
  6. Handson

    A powerful video
  7. Handson

    American Citizens, what do you think?
  8. Handson

    How it works
  9. Handson

    NATO exercise during ash clouds, coincidence???

    feature=player_embedded From Luftwaffe website...
  10. Handson

    What's going on in the Gulf

    Second rig has overturned Seems like someone doesn't want you being self sufficient Done some extra digging, media mind games? MORGAN CITY, La. (AP) — Officials say an oil drilling rig on its...
  11. Handson

    How do you make yours?

    here's my smoke, I haven't used tobacco for 28 days now. I didn't smoke ciggarettes so it wasn't hard LOL
  12. Handson


    So who believes in them? I do, they are a regular occurrence here, planes spraying white mist at an altitude, which turns into a white haze in front of the sun by 12pm. Today they sprayed 10 lines, east to west, all equally spaced. Now they are descending from their original altitude...
  13. Handson

    For The Photographers

    Have any of you ever caught anything in pictures that you can't explain? If you still have the shots, can you upload them?
  14. Handson

    Fascist Facebook???

    Well, there's a world wide phenomenon taking place on 01/05/10 and 02/05/10 all over the world. The Million Marijuana Marches, however, Facebook mods are deleting the groups and denying they existed. Whatever happened to freedom of speech?
  15. Handson

    The worst grow room malfunction ever?

    OK so what's your worst experience, a friend of mine had a grow a few years ago, fancy hydro set up, really good home built tent. He spent a lot of money, done a few grows. Then something happened, everything was running smoothly The grow was about 3 weeks into flower, just taking structure...
  16. Handson

    From My Camera Phone

    Some of my favourite pictures from my camera phone, a very random selection LOL
  17. Handson

    What's your personal favourite medicinal strain

    OK, I'll start, with it being illegal where I live, it's hard to find a decent weed. However, we get a K2 regularly which always seems to do the job for me, Spicey hashy tasting, no too potent but really relaxing... evn makes me sleepy. I have anxiety and as a result, I suffer eating with...
  18. Handson

    Ghosts, Spirits and Poltergeists

    Have you ever seen anything? I have seen a lot of crazy shit when my mum worked in an old pub. From a monk, to a log book torched for no reason, to chalk covered cellar from wall to ceiling. A girl in a bonnet and knives and forks being picked up like cars in a scrap metal yard and dropped...
  19. Handson

    Anyone got any weird freaky pics of plants

    My friend had a De La Haze and it grew just as a twisted stem, no foliage, just stem shoots growing more stem shoots, it was unreal. It was four foot of just crazy warped stem. I don't have any pics of any freaks do you??? Apart from that, worst freak I've seen was buds growing in the middle...
  20. Handson

    What's the stinkiest strain you've grown?

    I did chiesel and it stunk, so did lemon skunk. The stinkiest I've smelt by far was AMS