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  1. S

    About to start a new grow need some advice

    Hey people I've not done a grow now for a while and wantsome advice. I have two 600w lights and a 2.4m x 1.2m grow tent and 2m high. I want to fill it up and have a decent size grow but also does the soil used make a massive difference? I used from a gardeners place like a fairly standard one...
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    1st time aero grow some help needed

    hey guys i have been growing in soil for over a year now and well i wanted to go aero. i have got an amazon aeroponics system 2 of. one in veg and one in flower both on a 15 on 15 off cycle timer at the minute only because i dont know where to get a uk plug smaller timed timer from i have a...
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    advice on seed strains

    hey guys i was just curious on seeds. baisicly i am growing white widow at the min by nivarna. i did a grow of white widow in greenhouse seeds a while back and they seemed to have a bigger yeild and looked stronger if that makes sence what i want to know is does useing diferent seed banks...
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    light help and info please

    hey guys, i have been growing now for over a year. started in soin with a 600w light. then got another 600w light. i have also gone from soil to areoponics settup which i am on my 1st grow and just gone into flowering a few days ago. i have 2 rooms a veg room with 3 flouro's in to get them...
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    Changing to areoponics from soil help and tips please

    ok so i have been growing now for over a year. i have bben useing soil since ive started but now im at the point where i need a change and i want bigger yeilds lol i have just got a clone maker which i will start them off in as i was doing them in rockwool cubes and then i will when ready put...
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    What Do You Think to My Grow? Bubblelicious

    here are a few pics of my grow. i am growing nirvana bubblelicious i am nearly on week 8 now so im thinking go to week 9. useing just water at the mo with a little bit of sugar in it what do you think???? also i have little bugs/mites of some sort in my soil in my veg room dont know what...
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    Cloneing help and advice please

    Hey there. I have been growing weed for a few goes now and always start with a seed. I tried to clone once but failed bad. I now have tried again. Done things different. Like useing rockwool and takei g more care of them and watering them all the time The thing is they have heen in a...
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    What is the earlyst i can put into flower to show sex?????

    Hey there got a few plants on the go at the mo and they are mixed seeds so dont know if there male or female there about 4" tall. And only young. But i want to find out the males and get rid before i pot em up. Then maybe reveg till a bit taller! What is the best thing to do???? Can i just...
  9. S

    If a room is not light tight can it mess the plant up????

    Hey there. I have two rooms going at the minute. A veg room with flouros in and a flower room with 2 600w lights in. I have spit the room in two but very very small ammouts of light get into to flower room. Is this a concern and will it flower properly? When will i start to see them...
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    Groing in soil at the minute but thinking of changeing ideas help and info please

    Hey there. Right im fairly new to this game now but im already considering in changeing my grow medium. I use soil at the minute. Is it easy to set up an aerophonic system??? I have been looking at these and think it would be better to grow in as you dont have to go out and buy soil ect...
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    Germinateing bubblelicious problem

    Hey there. Got a little problem. I have recently bought some seeds. Bubblelicious from nirvana. I never have any prroblems germinating seeds. But i have with these. My method is the paper towel method. I use a plate with a paper towel which is damp put the seeds on another damp...
  12. S

    How many plants can i grow under 2 600w lights?

    hey guys. i was wondering on how many plants i could get away with growing under 2 600w lights???? i was thinking of maybe doing 10 maybe a few more..... what do you think?
  13. S

    How big should i grow my plants?

    hey guys this is my 2nd grow. my 1st grow i grew really big before i went into flower about 3 ft or summert like that i am doing my 2nd grow and started on the 5 of january AK48 from nirvana how long should i keep in veg for? should i go to a certain height or a certain lengh of time like...
  14. S

    Got seeds from lasts grow but wont grow......advice please

    I have recently finished my 1st full grow and at the end of it i had a few seeds in the buds. A few were like a green and the others looked like seeds. I have tried one or two of them shortly after finding them to see if i could make them sprout and make another plant but no joy at all. I...
  15. S

    Is compost any good for growing?????

    Hey guys just a quick question. I am growing some. Ak48 from nirvana and want to know if useing compost is any good for growing in???? I used soil in my last grow and will be doing again but. I have started them in compost from seed and now i need to repot them. I have done one fully in compost...
  16. S

    Esb strain..... Anyone had any or know where i can get it?

    hey guys well im wondering what people think to esb strain. i bought some seeds ages ago from greenhouse seeds as white widow. the thing is when i started growing them 3 were only female and not all 5 as they should of been which i thought was strange. but my mate who is an expert on the stuff...
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    Drying out question and advice please

    hey guys well i have just chopped down my ww female plants. it is my 1st grow and i have hung them all up to dry in a room with the window slightly open and an extractor on all the time. the room is fairly cold but when i asked for advice of someone i was told not to keep the room warm with a...
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    ........... Need a bit of advice on harvesting .........

    Hey people. Need a bit of help or advice on drying my weed. I am due to chop my plants up on friday. But before i do shall i leave in total darkness for 48 hours?? Been told it will make the weed stronger n make more resin or something like that Also i was thinking of just hanginging them out...
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    ......... Bit of advice needed please ...........

    Hey guys. Right i have some ak48 on the go which i germinated on the 6th jan and all potted on the 10th. They are all under a florecent light at the minute but i do have 2 600w lights for when i feel ready to move em to them. They are looking ok. But cant put pics on at the mo due to laptop...
  20. S

    AK 48 seeds .......... any reviews or info

    hey. i have just got 10 ak 48 seeds has anyone had any and what do they think to them. i am germinateing them now and 8 have started to shoot out under 24 hours so im happy with that. they are all mixed though, not all female. any tips on how to make female???? also what yeild per plant...