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  1. zippythehippy

    6ft Tall

    ok just a daft question but i got anaurora indica thats nearly 6ft tall in a 20ltr pot any ideas of how much it can/will yield its filled my tent which is 3ftx3ft
  2. zippythehippy

    drying weight loss

    anyone know roughly how much weight a plant loses when its drying/dried ialways thought 75% but not sure
  3. zippythehippy

    can i switch to12/12

    ok i got a maxi GoM about 1week from harvest its an auto strain just wondered if i could flip to 12/12 now and not lose any yield and put my aurora into flower its been vegging for nearly 6 weeks
  4. zippythehippy


    ok so my auto ak47s been growing for 10 weeks all trichs are all milky is it ready or should i wait a bit longer
  5. zippythehippy

    how does my maxi GoM look

    well here she is week 6 5 more to go i know its a long finisher at 11weeks for an auto but the yield looks like its going to be a good one
  6. zippythehippy

    what nutes

    ok so up until now ive not used proper nutes only tomorite (tomato feed) and babybio along with seaweed not had any problems but i would like to use some proper nutes just not sure what ones to get im using soil so whatnute range should i look at and whats available in the U.K at a resonable price
  7. zippythehippy

    top heavy plants

    sowhat does everyone do if they get a really top heavy plant use a stake to hold it up or strings/yoyo hangers just curious which would be better of the 2 to use
  8. zippythehippy

    heaviest auto yield

    so whats the biggest yield anyones got from a single auto in soil
  9. zippythehippy

    aurora indica help and info needed please

    ok so i got an aurora and sugar black rose growing was going to veg for 8weeks and then flower them both i was just wondering if they respond well to lst or being topped ive gota max head height in tent of around 1.3m thats allowing half a metre for my cooltubed 600w hps
  10. zippythehippy

    how much

    how much do buds swell typically in the last few weeks of flower i know it can vary was just curious
  11. zippythehippy

    pk 13/14

    can you use it with soil and when is it best to add im only asking cos ive never used this stuff my plants are coming up 6 weeks old and are autos so not sure when to use it
  12. zippythehippy

    plant problem

    cal def or ph lock out im not sure i now the pics not clear but i got rust coloured type spots on like 4 leaves
  13. zippythehippy

    which breed next

    i got aurora indica and sugar black rose in veg atm i got maxi gom and auto ak in flower question is what should i buy for my next grow im kinda torn between vanilla kush and barneys farm lsd any feed back would be great
  14. zippythehippy

    another newbie question

    can canna coco feeds be used with soil
  15. zippythehippy

    flood and drain

    i been looking at these set-ups was wondering how often do you flood the table once a day once every 15mins etc
  16. zippythehippy


    well heres a question i got one reflector that has a dimpled surface one has a smooth mirror finish which would be better or are they both the same at reflecting light
  17. zippythehippy

    aurora indica

    if i say vegged AI for like 6 weeks how tall do you think it would get in flower im kinda limited on space im running 1 600hps right through the grow cos i got my lights on for my autos to finish so i cant even go to 12/12 before the 6weeks are up bow tw the auroras are now 3days above soil
  18. zippythehippy

    maxi Gom and auto ak 3weeks old

    so how do they look guys/gals the maxi shows slight bleaching on the tips but other than that do they look ok
  19. zippythehippy

    anyone using a tp125

    any oneonthe forum usinga tp125 extraction fan been looking around but cant find anything online about them just wondered what cfm they are itsa 5inch unit
  20. zippythehippy

    3weeks in

    3 weeks in to my grow and my roots are coming out the bottom of my 13 litre pots and i havent got any bigger ones anything i can do