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  1. cannaboy13

    Soda as PH down

    :joint:i heard soda can be used a ph down only by a pinch not 2 much because it is acidic is it true?, i never tried it i jus use lemon juice(ph down), Auaring Increaser(ph up). Cheers!!
  2. cannaboy13

    More than one nute

    can i use more then one nute (like 3 nutes) every time i feed at the same time?:blsmoke:
  3. cannaboy13

    8th day of veg.

    Here is some of my pics from last 2 years growth Mexican Sativa strain and msome of my Bag seeds.:joint::joint:
  4. cannaboy13

    Mixing nutes with water

    i have miracle grow food with an N-P-K of 30-10-10 it says on the the back of the box mix half teaspoon with every 2 quarts of water can i do this?, because i heard that ur not supposed to mix water with your plant food and my plant food is a powder please tell me how to feed my plants.
  5. cannaboy13


    with the soil mixture of miracle grow organic soil, perlite and some vermiculite can i still feed my plants if i can wat order should it be in N-P-K.
  6. cannaboy13

    Fox Farm Potting Mix

    if i have a already used some soil for 8 days(still in Veg. stage) with 2 plants and transplant my 2 plants into Fox Farm Oceans Forest Soil will it effect my plants.
  7. cannaboy13

    Pot size flowering

    i have a 8 1/2'' wide(at top) and 8 1/4'' down flower pot is that enough for flowering 2 plants or do i need bigger pots?
  8. cannaboy13

    Whats Wrong!!!

    ok i'm just growing 2 plants and i have one T8 fluorescent light (with reflector) over both of them just for veg. and my sprouts are growing so fine they are over 3in tall (both plants are) in just 4 days they look healthy and everything i water them every 2 days or whenever soil gets a little...
  9. cannaboy13

    Plz tell me

    i wanted to know if i take one cutting from a 5'' to 6'' plant to clone can i still grow the plant i took cuttings from?
  10. cannaboy13

    No Ph Tester

    i do not have one and my sprouts are growing rapidly just finem, every time i water them with different temperature water i see growth and i don't think it's tap water will this effect me later on?
  11. cannaboy13

    Cloning Hormone Liquid

    do i really need it for cloning if so where can i get it at?
  12. cannaboy13

    When should start feeding

    I am in the vegging stage still and it is Day 2 and my sprouts have come up since day 1(when i first put them in the small flower pot with soil in it). If anyone knows when should i start feeding them?
  13. cannaboy13

    Type of Soil

    Umm. hey everyone i just wanted to know if anyone ever heard of The Expert Gardener all purpose potting soil, it is in a pink bag and reads:Feeds up to 9 months Well i have it, and i want to know if it is good for growing marijuana if not please tell me which should i use.
  14. cannaboy13

    Type of Soil

    when should i throw the fan in the room to actually cut it on and use it.
  15. cannaboy13

    Color Of Cfl's

    I wanted to know 3 things on how to use cfl's with a Fluorescent Light (2 skinny tubes). :evil:If i am growing Just 2 plants how many cfls would i need and what color should they be?(blue,party red,white etc.) and another thing :evil:how many watts should they be for those 2 plants?. I have a...
  16. cannaboy13

    Flowering lights

    Somebody please help me!I am still in germination stage and i have seen sprouts already in just 3 days.I'm growing in a closet about 98in tall(8ft 2'') and 43 1/2''(3ft 7'') corner to corner equally and i am really tight on budget please tell me what lights(such as Fluorescents) i need (not...