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  1. G

    Yellowing Plant with Pics Attached

    ok so my plant that i have in my window well its bottom leaves started to yelow at the end and i just thought no big deal. well the yellowing has started to creep up so i cut it off, again no big deal... well today i saw that didnt do anything, what should i do? what is the problem?
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    Help! My Plant Broke in Half! What Will I Do?

    Ok, so about a week ago there was a huge wind that blew the cover off my clone box and one of my taller plants, broke in half (almost, it was hanging off) from the strong wind. so anyways i tied a skewer to it so it would maybe grow back bux its wilting now and i do now know what to do. it is my...
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    ground wire for grow box

    im building a small grow box for mothers and im wireing up the 3 cfl lights that i am going to put in. i am useing an old amp and i want it to be super stealth but the coard that came previously with the amp has no ground plug. also the light sockets i am using dont seem to have a ground wire...
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    Marijuana lighting hours

    Hi, does anyone know a link to a thread or a website that would explain in detail what hours of the day I should run my cfl lights in my micro grow?
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    How to figure out the Kalvin Temp of a CFL lightbulb?

    Okay, so i have like a million CFL's kickin around my place but they all seam to be of the same type. Most say Nomad on them and list the wattage and ect, but they do not say the Kalvin temperature and i would like to have 6400-6500k for in my veg. I would like to avoid going out to buy new ones...
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    Best reflective surface for a micro grow

    ok i am building a very small grow box to grow mothers for the summer and i am new to indoor growing. i currently have two different materials on hand to use for my grow box and i was wondering, which would be most suitable to get maximum potential out on my 3, 30 watt cfl lights i will be...
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    how to adjust fan voltage/speed micro grow

    Hi I am currantly making a growbox out of an old tube amp i had kicking around my room. i have some computer fans for exaust and intake and a cell phone battery charger, but i would like to rig up my fans so i can adjust the speed and set it to the right speed so it is as quiet as needed. i have...
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    A few question about smoking my big budzz with powdery mildew... **pics**

    My plant has powdery mildew >: (. So i bought a powder stuff that is 92% sulphur and you can also dissolve it in water.. anyways, it says on the label that you can use it up to one day before you harvest and it also says that it cotrols powdery mildew. Does that mean that it will get rid of it...
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    MOULD!? Please help me my plant may have mould? ** Pics**

    Okay so i just realized two or 3 days ago that my largest plant had some kind of white stuff on the leaves. I was concerned and came back today and took pics. when i first discovered the "mould" i was going to fertilize them and i the one with the "mould" on it anyways. There was not so much...
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    Someone please HELP!? I think i have mould on my plants

    today i got back from a week long vaca and decided to check on my outdooor plants. My biggest plant had what appeared to be a white mould on it!!! What should i do!? is it hard to h=get rid of? I heard baking soda and what works.? Someone please help me this is my best plant. :(
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    Help Me Yield More!! Should I Bend My Plant??

    I have some sort of Indica plant and it is 4-5 feet tall. It has large branches on it and i was wondering if i tied the branches off with some stakes and string would this benifit the plant? I thought it would help the leaves get more sunlight and grow bigger, therefore i could yield more bud...
  12. G

    Is it too late to cut clones?

    I was wondering if it was too late to cut a couple more clones off my plants. I live in Canada, Ontario and it is July 30 which is like halfway through summer. If i cut some clones will they still bud but just have a smaller yield or will they die before they can bud? What would i yield if i cut...
  13. G

    Plant emergency!!! Please help me !

    Okay last night their was a huge rainstorm with harsh winds. Today after work i go and check on my plants, and one is bent over almost pulled out of the ground, and another is almost broken completely off. Only these two taller ones where damaged. But to top it all off the one that is almost...
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    PLEASE HELP ME! a few questions about fertilizer

    ok well i am currently running short on soil due to my plants getting bigger, transplanting exc. I am using potting soil and was wondering if i could mix my soil with cow manure. I live on a farm so it would be readily accessible. I just wonted to know if this would be in my best interest? I am...
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    How do i know when my plants start to flower? please help!

    I have a few plants and they are pretty big now about chest height, but how do i know when they have started to flower? just when i see buds forming?
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    Marijuana now legal in ontario!!!!!

    The following article states that marijuana is now legal in ontario (I think) Anybody know if this is true?? of am I just realy baked???? Legal Marijuana !! :) ( i Think?)
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    is 15-52-15 to strong to use

    can i use miracle grow 15-52-15 for the flowering stage of my plants or is that to much phosphorus?