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  1. angrand239

    stoner help!!!!

    i need help from all the stoners out i couldn't find a section but im taking a drug test and there going to give me a swab test. i haven't smoked in 8 days i drank at least a gallon a day and nicain twice a day aswell. i will be taking the test in a few days will i be fine. and is there any...
  2. angrand239

    Big Situation HELP

    ok im in a tight situation i been growing a plant under CFL Lights for about a month now my plant is bout 3-4ft tall, im about to move i got alot of woods to work with , i was wondering would my plant survie the transfer from a controlled environment to the outdoor sun. :-? and should i change...
  3. angrand239

    flowering help

    i have a plant which is about 1-2 feet tall. i have four CFL lights;2 are 26watt 1600 LUMENS & 2 other 26watt reveal light it is 1570 LUMENS. so together they are 6350 LUMENS. would that be enough to flower the plant?? & should i stick with SCHULTZ 10-15-10 plant food during the flowering process??
  4. angrand239

    plant help

    i've been growing for bout a month now.. no days off, i let my one plant get light for 30 some odd days now and its looking lovely. but my question is when and how will i know when my plant is ready to bud, and how will i be able to determine the sex of my plant.. ill post a few pic later... all...
  5. angrand239


    what should i use perlite or regular potting soil.. or can i mix both for better results??? help anyone
  6. angrand239

    lights and odor help!!!!

    i've been growing for bout a month or so just using CFL lights.. now i want to switch to HPS.. what wattage should i use for just two plants.. is 250 watt good or should i just get the 400 watt HPS.. and my plants have been giving off the skunky smell what should i use for that.. i dont want the...
  7. angrand239

    grow light help!!!

    actually this would be my first indoor grow.. i have a little walk-in closet with one plant, and i have 3 cfl lights.. more then 45 watts each.. how many lights should i use for just my one plant which is 2 weeks in.. and how far away should the lights be from my plant.. and my last question is...