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  1. driveon

    flourescent green

    I have 2 plants indoors under flourescent strips about 3 weeks into growth 1 PPP & 1 early girl. I noticed this evening some edges of the leaves on the early girl have gone a bright almost flourescent green, any advice please.
  2. driveon

    Ansterdam trip ?

    I am currently in the first process of my first grow but believe it or not have never tried cannabis. Before I go too far or too expensive in this experiment I thought I'd take atrip to Amsterdam to find out how it would work for me. Trouble is I would feel a real nerd not knowing where to go or...
  3. driveon

    wilma 8

    Hi, I just joined and this is my first grow, I wish to transfer my young plants from their pots grown in potting compost to a wilma8 hydroponic unit with clay pebbles, can I place them in staight from the pots including the compost or do I have to clean the roots first. Thanks Driveon