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  1. Y

    Clones gone wrong

    This is the third batch of clones I've done and they won't root. They keep wilting and going yellow. I've done everything to try and make it work. Temp is good and it's moist in the domes. Are they burning or drowning? This is my third year growing and have never had this problem? Any advice...
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    Tips on upgrading my secret garden

    I have a secret garden with a secret door. Its hidden so well that hordes of people could come over and never know it there. Its 11.5x10x4.5 feet. I have two 600 watt lps lights hung with parabolic reflectors. The room is vented with an 8inch inline exhaust fan that comes on once an hour for...
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    how often should exhaust fan come on?

    Should an exhaust fan be on all the time to bring in fresh air and take all heat from lights out? or just when it gets to hot and the air needs to be exchanged?
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    Mothers are growing very different after topping

    After topping my mothers they started to grow new leaves with one or three points on them. They looked fantastic until I did this. Unfortunately I dont have much hight in my grow room and had to do so. On top of that the leaves are curling up and look like ruffles chips. Are they just stressed...
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    Lights dont burn hand but seem they may be to close.

    What are signs of the lights being to close to the plants. Browning of the tips, dry looking and curling up towards lights? I have got some very stressed plants and im trying to figure out if its fertilizer burn, stress from being unhealthy from when i got them or light burn. Anyone have any tips?
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    Clones had problems right from the get go

    I had a friend purchase 50 bubba kush clones for me. He told me they were in good health before he brought them to my place. When he arrived they didnt look healthy at all. The roots had be let to dry out, they had mites in the jiffy pockets. Which didnt show themselves until two days after...
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    Best lighting for mothers

    I have two vey healthy mothers growing. They are under 12 grow florescent lights in a grow box 4x4x4. They are growing very slow. What kind of light should I have them under and how much do mothers really need. I have a small system gong on and dont need a huge mother plant to satisfy my needs...
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    Whats the easiest way to germinate seeds?

    I have tried many diffenent ways to germinate seeds. But it has always been hit or miss every time I do it. Does anyone have a sure fire way of germinating?
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    How does growing with SOG cause you to get a crop every 5 weeks?

    I have been growing for about three years now. I have done very well growing in large containers made of chicken wire and landscape fabric. There has been some big christmas trees. Well now I am moving and dont have the room to grow big plants. But I do have the room to start a perpetual grow...
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    Horrible summer in BC, is it causing my plant to flower early?

    My back yard is surrounded by large cedars except for the south side. I only get full sun for about 8 hours a day. At first I thought my plant was in flower due to the amount of light it was getting. I also thought it could be the weather we are having in BC. Its been cloudy for the last few...
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    Using chicken wire with "Sea of green"

    I have a grow box that is 4x3x3 feet. It is lit up with 13 T12 florescent lights. Due to the space and the power of the lights i thought I should set up a large piece of chicken wire across the whole box at 1 foot high. This way when they grow up to the chicken wire you bend them to grow along...
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    Fruit flies in my soil

    I am growing using coco husk. I noticed two weeks ago I had fruit flies in my grow box. I sprayed my ladies with neem oil and it killed all the flies that were visible. I have now noticed they are all coming from with in the soil. Is there anything I can do to kill all the fruit flies in the...