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  1. K

    crazy... INSANE!!!

    what do you think? would this work? mixxing : rockwool(floc) coco fytocell perlite
  2. K

    using hydroponic nutrients for soil

    can this be done? specifically gh 3 part. i would love any input
  3. K

    Using 3 part GH as a Soil Nute

    Anyone done this? Can it be done? How? I would love any advice. THANKS!
  4. K

    underwatering help

    hello, and thank you for coming to my thread im in about week 5 of flowering blueberry sog flood and drain set up i got lazy for a few days, and found out later my pump was clogged plants went without water for a few days now most of them have droopy leaves, and some have even fallen over...
  5. K

    left over water?

    what should i do? i have a bunch of water left over fom a bubble hash extraction. i dont think that i used small enough screens, because there is a bunch of oil that has colleceted at top. i hate to waste anything. if anyone knows a way to salvage this stuff, i would love to hear it.
  6. K

    Is this legit?

    I just purchased an off brand set of buble bags, and noticed the smallest micron srcreen they have is 120µm. Will this be ok?
  7. K

    Water Extraction?

    Does water extraction get all of the THC? I have bubble bags and a butane extractor, and I was wondering whether if it would be worth it to save the remnants from a water extraction, and the extract them with butane. Or would this be overkill? Thanks
  8. K

    What makes it a "Kush"

    I was wondering, what qualities make a plant a kush. There are sativa and indica kush's out there, and was curious to find out the actual meaning.
  9. K

    Looking to build a flood table

    I am looking to build 4x4 flood table. I will be folowing Al B. Fuct's harves every 2 weeks. Rather than buy 4 trays, i wuld like to build them myself. ll of the guides i have seen look a little flimsy, and i am woried about the table "sagging" during the flood cycle. Anybody hve any...
  10. K

    Clone only strains

    Just wondering if anyone has a list of clone only strains? I am a med patient in cali, and haveaccess to clones. Before I go and buy, I'dike to know what the rarites are. I already have Grandaddy Purple, OG Kush/S.A.G.E , Mazar, Blueberry and Romulan. Lookn to keep a nice stock of good...
  11. K

    Butane vs. water

    Discuss the pros and cons of the methods.
  12. K

    help please!!!

    I have 16 romulan plants growing in soil in a hydrohut. There is a 400w MH hanging about 3 feet above the tops of the plants. About 2 weeks ago, rooted clones that were purchased at a medical marijuana facility were transfered into soil. The problem is 3 fold. 1: The new leaves are coming in...