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  1. J

    Hydroponics plant won't grow

    I have a plant that has been in my waterfarm for about 5 days now and hasnt shown any sign of growing?? It hasnt died its as green as when I put it in there but it just doesn't grow...This is the second plant that has done this I use the GH flora nutes and I placed my plant in there when the...
  2. J

    UNBELIEVABLE price on HPS Light/Ballast/Reflector

    Ok so I was looking around on craigslist and a guy in my area works at a warehouse and collects the unused bulbs and burners that are a little dimmer than normal..I checked it out and hes offering a 400 watt Metal Halide Bulb 400 watt ballast Reflector Lamp cord ALL FOR $45.00!!! Has anyone...
  3. J

    Sour Diesel Party Cup grow 370 watts of CFL

    Hey everyone I recently got a nice bag of Sour Diesel cost me about 400 bucks for a zip, I had some people return me seeds they found and so I germinated the 2 seeds in a wet papertowel with a heat lamp over it and they were ready to plant in about 24 hours!! I planted the two in party cups...
  4. J

    whats your favorite music to listen to when you toke ?

    I'm smokin one now and I love to listen to rebelution when ido! safe and sound - rebelution vampires - tribal (or trible)seeds it's Spelled trible on the video but my guess is it's spelled wrong... GO look em up very good bands if you like reggae when u float ;)
  5. J

    AK47 First Hydro grow FLORA brand nutes

    Decided to give away all of the clones and other potted plants to a friend of mine that has a 1000 watt hps :) he said he would cut me some yield! Anyway, I still have this AK47 plant growing in my waterfarm drip system that is growing sooo fast it's crazy how much faster it grows than my...
  6. J

    How long does it take YOU to smoke a bowl?

    Question is plain and simple :) I say for me to smoke a fully packed bowl to myself takes me about 15 minutes, I like to make it last for half a tv show or what not and enjoy it for the next hr and a half ! but a few seconds ago I just finished my bowl I had packed to the brim in about 2...
  7. J

    drip cycle help

    I have a water farm hydro drip system from general hydroponics and I was just wondering how long my drip cycle should be? or is it 24 hours? or should I turn it off at night? honestly I have no clue
  8. J

    Blueberry KUSH, Northern Lights, AK47 210 watt CFL, 400 watt HPS indoor grow :)

    Hey guys you might have seen my other grow that had to be harvested early cause she died :( but Its alright because that was just some good bagseed that I had! now I have learned from my mistakes and I am growing 2 blueberry kush, 2 ak47, and 2 northern lights:) ordered from nirvana seeds...
  9. J

    why are these so much better? I don't get it

    ok so I'm growing a plant with 180 watts of cfl (bout 12000 lumens)all placed around the plant and it's growing just fine but a lot of people I notice are bashing on these lights and saying they aren't that good... but then I see that people are having really good success using the t12s and I...
  10. J

    burnt leaves

    I was re arranging my lights and they fell over and were touching the plants forlike 20 minutes and i didnt know there are some yellow spots and they are very crunchy.. should I be worried about this at all?
  11. J

    What is the bestplant grown with the smallest amount of light?

    Hey I was just wondering if there was any cheap bastard out there ;) who has grown a full plant with a nice yield under a small amount oflight? Either as an experiment, or to prove a point, or anything! Im not trying to get away without using little light, I am just curious as if anyone has...
  12. J

    Could I do 2 plants like this?

    Hey everybody my first grow isn't turning out so hot so I am going to plant 2 new seedlings from a good bag I got ahold of today.. my closet is where I am going to be growing them. I'll be using 5x40 watt CFLs at 2720 lumens each being a totall of about 13500 lumens. Ill be putting both seeds...
  13. J

    anyone wanna help a fellow grower out ;)

    hey guys, everyone around here I noticed has been extremely nice and very helpful I was just wondering if anyone would ever think about mailing me a feminized seed of a good strain? I have looked online and the the cheapest I have found all together for seeds plus shipping is at least 30...
  14. J


    hey I just topped my plant today and I had researched a bunch and I just wanted to make sure that I did it right. I cut the MAIN STEM about and inch down from the nodes I wanted it cut at.... was I supposed to cut the branches coming off of the side? or did i do it right
  15. J

    Do I Need nutrients? BUDGET

    I am growing my first indoor plant with CFLs and I am on a really tight budget now that I bought all of the lights and had to pay rent! :evil: So I was wondering if nutrients are a complete neccesity or if I could row just fine without using them? I plan on mixing a little molasses into the...
  16. J

    My first grow! (CFLs) PICTURES INSIDE

    Hey everybody! I am new here, I just registered today and I wanted to share my first grow with everyone I am about 4 weeks into it I will post pictures and I would like to get some feedback! I am currently using 4x40 watt CFLs (Each outputting 2720 lumens) = 10,880 Lumens 1x23 watt CFL...
  17. J

    whats up everyone

    Hey everyone I have been reading these forums for awhile now and have gotten TONS of useful information! I have used everything I've learned on this site on my first grow which I will be putting pictures up for everyone soon. I just wanted to introduce myself and say happy toking everyone I hope...