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  1. MellowHaze

    3rd Grow-clf-Auto Duplicate Thread go here^^^^^ instead :mrgreen:
  2. MellowHaze

    Third Grow-clf-Auto

    Hi Everyone I'm two weeks 'ish' into my third grow, it's all going well so far she's about 1.5 inch to 2 inch across with the third set of leaves on its way through so I thought I'd get a thread going for it I'm growing an AUTO called RUSSIAN ROCKET FUEL heres my set up: Set up Space...
  3. MellowHaze

    I'm Planning To Get a Portable Vapourizer- any suggestions

    Hello all as the title says I'm looking to get a portable vape I already have a good vapourizer but its not portable. My friend had the magic flight it was ok but not for me didnt like it that much but hes lost the mouth piece and the device its self is now broken so definitely wont be getting...
  4. MellowHaze

    Havent had any weed for days and I'm still high!!

    Hi All just wanted people to know how great using a vapourizer can be. I ran out off Fresh green weed about 4 or 5 days ago but because I use a Vape I have what I call PVW (post vaped weed) after vaping my weed twice I put it in a little tin which in time of need I get out and put it back...
  5. MellowHaze

    Growing Weed Is Like Pringles Once You Pop You Just Can't Stop!

    Thats how I feel anyway I could never go back to not growing, The whole grow gives me to much joy and happyness watchin my little plant grow and grow. Smoking my own weed knowin exactly where it came from :bigjoint: what are your thoughts?
  6. MellowHaze

    Check out my Thread

    Is there any reason nobody is commenting on my thread?? >>>>>>>
  7. MellowHaze

    New Grow-(Free Seed From Attitude Called "Motivation!")

    Hello Follow RIU users I havent posted in a while but then I haven't grown for a while either lol anyway... I've got a small set up in my cupboard which consists of: 2x 24W CFL bulbs-pure white/warm white (cant remember the lumens of top of my head) 9inch fan Thermometer & humidity meter...
  8. MellowHaze

    Making My Own Soil Mix

    Hello my fellow RIU's my first grow is coming to an end and I have gained lots of valuable knowledge from it but for my next grow I want to increase my yield I know I can yield a hell of a lot more than I've been...
  9. MellowHaze

    I'm thinking of makin oil from my trimings after harvest need advice :)

    alright fellow RIU member i've been researchin about makin oil and have a few questions wants the smallest weight of trimings you can use? were can i purcase a tube ie glass, plastic or somethin else to make it in? is it 3x 500ml butane per 1kg of trimings? thanks for the help?
  10. MellowHaze

    ive bought an emergency blanket and im wonderin will this create hot spots???????????

    hello all :) so will an emergency blanket create hot spots like tin foil does? an what type of mylar is best to buy ive found a couple of different once theres Diamond mylar 20m £31.99, Black and white reflective sheeting mylar film 10m £9.90, Silver White Hydroponic​s Mylar reflective...
  11. MellowHaze

    My weed plant is floppin over why is this? PLEASE HELP :):):):)

    my little plant is havin a hard time standin up its like shes drunk what would cause this as you can probs tell im new to this an therefore not 2 sure why please can someone help me out thanks :joint::roll:
  12. MellowHaze


    :( i dont know if my weed plant is growin propperly its been growin a week an is about 4/5 inches big with 4 leaves 2 smooth edges (about 2cm big) an 2 with jaggard edges (about 1.5cm big) its a nice green with no yellow is this how it should be? its my first time an not sure wot im doin lol...
  13. MellowHaze

    hello all im new 2 this anyone use a vapeourizer if not its the way forward :)

    hi guys an girls im on here cuz ive started growin my own for the first time an the little beauty is 5 days old :) ive recently just stopped smoking cuz i invested in a vapourizer an its the best decision ive ever made you need to spend atleast £200 quid on a top quality one money well spend lol
  14. MellowHaze

    My First Grow

    hi everyone im growin my very first plant an though i'd share it with you all. its a cheap man grow i'm using led grow lights a £2 mini fan and a bucket lol well i planted my seed after germinating it on the 27th june its now about 3 inch big. im really excited lol cant wait for 8 weeks time so...