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  1. Alkaline

    Week 7 Flowering... Hermie

    Hey everyone I have 3 feminized GDP plants that are supposed to finish up in 8 weeks according to the site i got them from. Im at the end of week 7 and noticed hermie spots on most of the buds. it almost looks like a seed per bud not even. Ive only noticed one banana completely hanging off...
  2. Alkaline

    Hermie last week of flowering? Help?!

    Hey everyone I just noticed today a couple of my plants are turning hermie. I've just noticed and they are just starting the 8th week of flowering. They are feminized Indica seeds (grand daddy purp) and Almost all trichomes are cloudy. I've been checking everyday to see amber and then I...
  3. Alkaline

    Very Slow Flowering?

    Hey everyone I have three Grand daddy purp plants and 2 of them are almost done. I tried to squeeze 3 nice size plants under a 400 watt HPS but I've read a 400watt only covers about a 4'x4' space so I put 2 almost directly under the light and one is pretty far from the bulb. They are all about...
  4. Alkaline

    Feed Plant in Flowering

    Hey everyone just wondering if I should feed my grand daddy purp nutes in the 4th week of flowering if the leaves are yellowing too fast? Will that screw with the buds? The leaves have been yellowing since week 2. Let me know what u guys think. Thanks Again
  5. Alkaline

    Leaves Yellowing during flowering too fast?

    Hey everyone Im flowering 3 Grand Daddy Purp under a 400watt HPS at the moment. Everything looks good exept one of the plants started flowering way too early and it happened to be my best plant out of the batch. It started yellowing fast like 2-3 weeks into the flower. Im well into week 4...
  6. Alkaline

    Need Help...3rd Week into Flowering

    Hey everyone Im almost into my 4th week of flowering and a lot of the fan leaves are starting to turn yellow/brown and crispy and some tips are curling upwards. Also it looks like the fan leaves are starting to point straight up looking like they want to surround the bud. Other than that the...
  7. Alkaline

    Need Help with Light and Humidity

    Hi I was wondering if you guys could help me out. I have 3 Grand daddy Purp plants and they take up about 5'x3'. Is a 400watt HPS enough for all 3 plants. They have been in 12/12 for a couple weeks. 2 are def flowering and one is lagging behind a little bit but is still flowering just slower...
  8. Alkaline

    Need Help with Height of light and Humidity

    Hi I was wondering if you guys could help me out. I have a 400 watt HPS on 3 plants that are in there 2nd week of 12/12. The Area the plants take up is about 5'X3'. I have the light about 16 inches from the center plant so that means even further for the plant on the left and right. Is that...
  9. Alkaline

    Just started flowering - leaves curling and twisting

    Hey everyone I just switched my lights from HPS 18/6 to MH 12/12. Everything was going fine for a few days and now all of a sudden ive noticed the leaves are starting to cup up, some of the tips are twisting and the edges are curling up. The humidity is 25-35%. The MH is about 18"-21" away from...
  10. Alkaline

    Just started flowering - curled twisted leaves

    Hey everyone I just switched my lights from HPS 18/6 to MH 12/12. Everything was going fine for a few days and now all of a sudden ive noticed the leaves are starting to cup up, some of the tips are twisting and the edges are curling up. The humidity is 25-35%. The MH is about 18"-21" away...
  11. Alkaline

    Leaves Turning light green? Please Help

    Hey everyone I was wondering if anyone might be able to help me figure out why one of my plants turned light green over the past few days. It had nuts burn a couple weeks ago so i flushed it then a few days later transplanted. Everything was going really good and back on track then this...
  12. Alkaline

    Should I flower now?

    Hey guys I just wanted everyones opinion before I switch to 12/12. Do you guys think I should flower these or wait a little longer? Here are some pics. Let me know what you think. Thanks again
  13. Alkaline

    Please help... Don't know what's wrong

    Hey everyone. I'm growing 3 plants under a 400watt HPS at the moment. I'm trying to bring them back from nute burn. We figured out it was nitrogen toxicity. Since then I flushed them transplanted them and went from a T5 to a 400watt HPS. Now I topped them like a week ago. They are about a...
  14. Alkaline

    Please Help.. Don't know whats wrong

    Hi I've been growing these 3 Feminized Grand Daddy Purps for almost a month now and a week or 2 ago now they've been growing yellow out of the new growth then slowly turns back to green with a little yellowing between the veins. Im growing in soil. The PH reading I got with PH meter says 5.5 -...
  15. Alkaline

    Leaves Yellowing Between Veins

    Hi I'm having some trouble with my plants. My leaves have yellowing in between the veins mostly on the new growth. I have them under a 4 foot T5 fixture. The PH is 6.0 and i gave it dolomite lime recently. Still waiting for the PH to go up a little more before I treat it for a deficiency...
  16. Alkaline

    How much powdered dolomite?

    I just recently took a reading of my soils PH. It is 5 to 5.5 on all 3 plants that I have. It looked like a mag deficiency but it's def a PH issue. I bought powdered dolomite lime but I didn't know how to give it to each plant. Should I mix dolomite in the water with my next watering? If so...
  17. Alkaline

    Grand daddy purp- Leaves curling up

    Hey I was wondering if anyone could help me. I just started 3 GDP feminized. The leaf tips are starting to curl up. I hit em with 25% fert. One has yellowing veins too. I've been watering every 2 to 3 days. The temp is a consistent 71F and at about 45% humidity. I've tried all I can to...
  18. Alkaline

    How Far Away and What Type of Lights

    Anyone know which Light to use for Vegging and Flowering...I have both (MH/HPS) bulbs but only one fixture...Im not too sure of how far away the Light has to be form the plant from start to finish...I read it might heat stress the plant..Thanx